MDU Online Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics, I
We are launching a series of online workshops in the field of Computational and Applied Mathematics. The first event takes place on December 12, 2024.
Organizing committee: Sergey Korotov, Maksat Ashyraliyev
Jon Eivind Vatne External link., BI Norwegian Business School
István Faragó External link., Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Jakub Šístek External link., Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
János Karátson External link., Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Tomáš Vejchodský External link., Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Tom Gustafsson External link., Aalto University, Finland
Bartosz Malman External link., Mälardalen University
Jean-Paul Murara External link., Mälardalen University
Sergey Korotov External link., Mälardalen University
Maksat Ashyraliyev External link., Mälardalen University
Registration is not required. All talks take place on Zoom with the following link: External link.
All times below are Swedish time (CET Central European Time)
Thursday, December 12
9:00-9:15 Digital mingle
9:15-9:30 Milica Rančić, Welcoming speech
- 9:30-10:15 Jakub Šístek, Towards a scalable domain decomposition solver for immersed boundary finite element method [Abstract]
- 10:15-11:00 István Faragó, On the AN-stability of one-step numerical methods [Abstract]
11:00-11:15 Digital coffee break
- 11:15-11:40 Bartosz Malman, A short introduction to the Crouzeix conjecture [Abstract]
- 11:40-12:05 Jean-Paul Murara, A numerical solution of the investment-consumption optimal control problem [Abstract]
12:05-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-13:45 Jon Eivind Vatne, Angles and angle conditions for polytopes of high dimension [Abstract]
- 13:45-14:30 Tom Gustafsson, Distributed finite elements using model order reduction [Abstract]
14:30-14:45 Digital coffee break
- 14:45-15:10 Tomáš Vejchodský, A posteriori error bounds for eigenfunctions [Abstract]
- 15:10-15:35 János Karátson, Streamline diffusion preconditioning of Krylov iterations for convection-dominated elliptic problems [Abstract]
- 15:35-16:00 Sergey Korotov, FEM may converge on very bad meshes [Abstract]
- 16:00-16:25 Maksat Ashyraliyev, Stable difference schemes for the solution of the source identification problem for telegraph-parabolic equations [Abstract]
16:25-16:40 Scientific discussions
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