Young people’s entry into the labour market
The project focuses on the consequences regarding identity and institutional conditions for the young participants in the activation program.This thesis project examines local activation of young people living on income support. This thesis project examines local activation of young people living on income support.
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Project manager at MDU
Project description
The project focuses on the consequences regarding identity and institutional conditions for the young participants in the activation program.This thesis project examines local activation of young people living on income support. Activation is a labour market policy, intending integration of unemployed into employment. With a theoretical departure from the perspective of ‘Total institutions’, coined by Erving Goffman, the project uses an ethnographically inspired method combined with a narrative approach, aiming to understand the activation program out of the participants perspective. In the narration of the young participants, the program consist of meaningless activities without leading to jobs. Rather they change and are disciplined in other respects.
Primary purpose
The overall aim is to study young people’s institutional conditions in a local activation program.
Project objectives
Increase the scientific knowledge about the thresholds young people living on income support experience as they interact with the labour market.