The Swedish Armed Forces total survey on veterans from international military operations
The overall aim of the project is to, through the application of principles for responsible innovation, enable broad involvement in the implementation of Sweden's veteran strategy: An active and inclusive veteran policy - Sweden's veteran strategy 2024-2030.
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Research area
Research group
Project manager at MDU
From 2024, Sweden has its first veteran strategy that includes people who have participated in international military operations (IMI). So far, these IMIs have mostly been carried out under the UN's mission, but with Sweden's NATO membership, among other things, this will likely look different in the future. In the spring of 2022, The Swedish Armed Forces gave all currently living IMI veterans the opportunity to contribute with their experiences and opinions to the development of the veterans' strategy, the development of the veterans' policy and the implementation of these through a survey. The survey was conducted by kantar SIFO and roughly reached 52,000 people, 20,009 responded. In this survey, the participants were given the opportunity to provide free text answers to five of the questions. In this project, these free text answers are made available for a user-inclusive development work of The Swedish Armed Forces' implementation of the veteran strategy. At the same time, the free text answers are made openly available - open data.
To capture responses, individual as well as emerging on group level, that point to development opportunities "of concepts and methods to support overseas veterans and their dependents before, during and after international military deployment", realized in the implementation of the new veteran strategy. II. To make it possible for the survey study's free text answers to contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of veterans. III. To report back and make available the results of the survey study for those included in the study. Results both in the sense of the understanding that the study provides and what effects the results have had on the implementation of the veterans' strategy and veterans' policy.
Analyze free text responses, present and discuss results for and with stakeholders, plan and implement involving activities for the development of preparations and the support before, during and after IMIs (i.e. what is covered by the veteran strategy).