
The research group for studies in democracy, power and citizenship (DEM)

The Future Labor Market 

Digitization, globalization and individualization are phenomenon that are about to change the labor market as we know it.






Project manager at MDU

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Digitization, globalization and individualization are phenomenon that are about to change the labor market as we know it. One consequence is the increasing flexibility of the labor market, both from employers 'preferences and demand for labor, but also on employees' view of what constructs a desirable career.


In three reports over the years 2015–2017, how these changes can be understood are discussed, focusing on descriptions in scientific literature, in the media and by employers in Sörmland and Västmanland:

  • Framtidens arbetsmarknad. En teoretisk kunskapsöversikt (2015)
  • Framtidens arbetsmarknad i massmedia (2015)
  • Gränser, synlighet och sårbarhet. Arbetsgivarperspektiv på framtidens arbetsmarknad i Sörmland och Västmanland (2017)

This project has been disseminated both locally and nationally through media, lectures and workshops during 2015–2017.

This research relates to the following sustainable development goals