PLATSMO - Places facing structural head wind - (re)newed methods to promote changes in the development of people's everyday landscapes in both urban and rural areas
The project examines the potential for transformation, both concerning physical places and the practices surrounding them.
Project website
Planned completion
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Research area
Project manager at MDU
External project members
- Erika Andersson, projektledare, Region Västmanland
- Anna Wignell, Region Västmanland
- Birgitta Lövestedt, Skinnskattebergs kommun
- Elisabeth Billander, Föreningen Allaktivitetshuset i Riddarhyttan
- Jan Dahlberg Föreningen Allaktivitetshuset i Riddarhyttan
- Julie Paule, Föreningen Allaktivitetshuset i Riddarhyttan
- Andreas Pettersson, konstnär
- Sven Olov Karlsson, författare
- Karin Manberger och Maria Burén, Tyréns arkitektkontor
- Andreas Kristoffersson, Archus Arkitektkontor
- Maria Vång, Archus Arkitektkontor
- Mats Tyrstrup, Handelshögskolan Stockholm
- Katrin Ingelstedt, Västerås konstmuseum
- Isa Lindqvist, Länsstyrelsen Västmanland
- Elin Fredelin Dalman, Länsstyrelsen Västmanland
- samt representant från fastighetsägaren Castellum
The PLATSMO Project explores new methods to promote changes in the development of people's everyday landscapes in both urban and rural areas. This is happening in a time of increasing limitations and crises. The project aims to develop practices that can support both public and private land and property owners to work with a stakeholder perspective to address the complexity of today's societal challenges. The project's goal is to increase knowledge and develop new practices for shaping environments in placeorganizational “in-between” spaces that promote health and well-being in the best possible way. A central question for the project is how to create new community-building practices that promote increased trust, power, and health. The project examines the potential for transformation, both concerning physical places and the practices surrounding them. PLATSMO contributes to new practice in place development that turn places in structural headwinds into lifelines that can meet new needs in challenging societal situations.
Project objective
The project examines the potential for transformation, both concerning physical places and the practices surrounding them. PLATSMO contributes to new practice in place development that turn places in structural headwinds into lifelines that can meet new needs in challenging societal situations.
By exploring and promoting stakeholder-driven planning and design work, and by emphasizing the power of the temporary, the project aims to develop practices that create living environments beneficial to both individual well-being and sustainable societal development. The project seeks to contribute innovative knowledge and solutions by evaluating a method that inventories local resources and brings to life and visualizes residents' perspectives. This method serves as a catalyst for future preparedness by enabling a listening process to what is underway and allowing the dialogue to extend throughout the participants' lifeworld. The innovation lies in building and embedding an approach and practice that involves and includes residents' perspectives in both societal development and urban planning. The societal benefits that the project can offer extend over both the short and long term. In the short term, the project has increased awareness of actors influencing the everyday landscape and fostered a sense of local community. In the long term, the project has introduced innovative methods and practices for managing places and phenomena that had previously fallen into organizational gaps. This has led to the regional perspective of "Designed Living Environment" becoming central to cross-sectoral collaboration focusing on local development and health.