
Artificial Intelligence och Intelligent Systems

Behavioral medicine, health and lifestyle (BeMe-Health)

Biomedical Engineering

Care, Recovery and Health

ChiP - Children’s rights to health, protection, promotion and participation

Co-production research in health and welfare

Data Communication


Engineering Mathematics

Having an income and indebtednes

Health-promotion engineering

Learning and Optimisation

Normcritical perspectives in the research into social vulnerability

Person-centred care and communication

Programme-specific research projects

Prolonged independent life

Resource efficiency



Sustainable lifestyle and health from a public health perspective

Sustainable working life

Transformative Management

Older persons participation in prehospital emergency care

The primary purpose of the project is to deepen the knowledge about older persons´ participation in emergency situations at home, involving municipal care personnel and prehospital emergency care.






Project manager at MDU

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 Participation in health and social care promotes individuals´ health, and is thus a legislative right in Sweden. This project focuses on participation for older persons with complex care needs that live at home, in dependence on municipal social care services for everyday life management. The dependence is an important aspect when an older person suffers an emergency at home that involves municipal care personnel and prehospital emergency care, and participation in such situations are pivotal in promoting health, well-being and safety. However, research shows that older persons view participation differently than care professionals. Participation in the prehospital emergency care context might moreover be difficult to accomplish, due to the urgent conditions. This project aims to deepen the knowledge of older persons´ participation in emergency situations at home, involving Municipal care personnel and prehospital emergency care. Such knowledge offers possibilities for improving prehospital emergency care to ensure the older persons´ health, wellbeing and safety.

The project objectives are that the deepened knowledge will:

  1. improve prehospital emergency care for older persons´ living at home in dependence of municipal social care
  2. promote the older persons´ health, well-being, and safety in emergency situations at home
  3. frame educational activities within clinical practice and Mälardalen university.

Four studies are included in the project; one quantitative study of registry data, and three qualitative interview studies. Interview will be performed with older persons, municipal care personnel, and ambulance personnel.