
Stochastic Processes, Statistics and Financial Engineering

Network FinEng2023

The project is about increasing the mobility of staff and students and strengthening the network between Mälardalen university in Sweden and the partner universities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The subject area of the network is stochastic process and financial engineering, and engineering mathematics. The collaboration is about education at the undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels as well as in research.

Project manager at MDU

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External members

  • Meelis Käärik, University of Tartu
  • Andrejs Matveevs, Riga Technical University
  • Martynas Manstavicius, Vilnius university
  • Olga Liivapuu Estonian University of Life Sciences

Objectives of the project

To increase the mobility of staff and students and to strengthen the network between Mälardalen university in Sweden and the partner universities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Mobility of staff and students and strengthening the network between Mälardalen university in Sweden and the partner universities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Guests from partner universities have made presentations and communications on workshop "Exploring the World of Mathematics" at Mälardalen university in Västerås, 14-16 May 2024.