
MORMOR- Monitoring of airflow and airborne particles, to provide early warning of irrespirable atmospherics conditions

In a multi-year collaboration, LKAB will invest SEK 80 million in research into sustainable mining. Prominent researchers at, among others, Luleå University of Technology, Örebro University and Mälardalen University will, in close collaboration with LKAB's employees, develop solutions that contribute to the company's transformation - carbon dioxide-free processes and products in 2045.

MORMOR is on of nine projects with focus on risk management in the mine to avoid fires or hazardous environment by measurement of air born particles and toxic components to give an early warning to staff in the mine. Sensors will be placed at vehicles as well as stationary. There will be both diesel engines and fully battery-electric. New conditions for electric vehicles/batteries is especially considered.






Research group

Project manager at MDU

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The entire project aims to create the underground mine of the future with autonomous electric vehicles. Our part is to minimize risks with new technology through measurement linked to AI systems for decision support and early warning if something is about to become a security risk.

Project objetives

To develop suitable sensors, analyze and produce decision support and link these to information on the operator interface.