Men’s Activism to End Violence Against Women
This project aims to develop an understanding of the factors that enable men to actively take a stance against men’s violence against women.
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Research area
Project manager at MDU
This comparative project includes Spain, Sweden and the UK. It investigates men who work against men’s violence to women. It has become increasingly recognised in recent decades, both within feminist movements and wider societal perceptions, that it is important for men to speak out about men’s violence against women. Many have argued that men must engage further in the anti-violence against women movement for social change. However, there exists very little knowledge about structural and individual factors that might enable and support this engagement. This project aims to develop an understanding of the factors that enable men to actively take a stance against men’s violence against women. Using a survey and in-depth interviews, the men’s own personal backgrounds and motivations were explored as well as asking them to act as ‘experts’ in predicting which socio-cultural, personal, political, and/or economic factors might be conducive to enabling and supporting more men to become active in the anti-violence against women movement.