Mechanisms and processes in the disability service organization impact on access-making of information- and communication technology for persons with intellectual disability
The overall aim is to investigate mechanisms and processes within a municipal disability service organization that affect access-making of information- and communication technology (ICT) for young adults with moderate intellectual disability.
Main financing
Project manager at MDU
The use of Information and communication technology (ICT) have changed the conditions for participation in different life spheres. Living with an intellectual disability (ID) often means a need for support in daily life. This support is provided by the municipal disability service organization and the persons living conditions is therefore largely dependent on organizational structures. Prior research has shown that ICT is a natural part of daily life for young adults with ID but support within the disability service organization is lacking. Staff at the operative level perceive that they not can be as supportive as needed because lack of resources from the strategic levels of the organization.
Prior research also shows that as a consequence of the lacking organizational structure, staff sometimes act as a hinder by their attitude or moral, or by interrupting an ICT-activity. Therefore, the overall aim of this project is to investigate mechanisms and processes within a municipal disability service organization that affect access-making of information- and communication technology (ICT) for young adults with moderate intellectual disability.
Focus is on the strategic levels of the organization, including politicians, strategists and managers. In addition, documentation (implementation plans) of service-users ICT-use and staffs perceptions of these plans as a tool in their support. Framing this with neo-institutional organization theory supports explanations of the service-users living conditions and opportunities to participate in different important life spheres.
Findings from this project can have impact on how disability service organizations support ICT-use for a younger generation service-users and thereby also enabling participation in different life spheres.
Project objectives
The ambition is to provide a deeper knowledge of the nature of these barriers in disability service organizations, but also organizational opportunities that support ICT use. The technological development have changed the conditions for participation why lack of adoption of support provision or structures in disability service organizations can risk to increase social exclusion for their service-users.
An increased ICT use among persons with intellecutal disability has potential to improve their participation and independence as the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities Act subscribe, an in a longterm perspective decrease the existing inequalities between persont with and without disabilities.