Lean Automation Business - within SIO PiiA
This project is a part of the Strategic Innovation Area "Process Industrial IT and Automation" (PIIA). It is a feasibility study over Q3 2013 and Q1 2014 mobilizing the PiiAs consortium in a survey with trend analysis to identify areas of relevance to the automation market and to industrial competitiveness.
Main financing
Research area
Project manager at MDU
Description of the project
This project is a part of the Strategic Innovation Area "Process Industrial IT and Automation" (PIIA). It is a feasibility study over Q3 2013 and Q1 2014 mobilizing the PiiAs consortium in a survey with trend analysis to identify areas of relevance to the automation market and to industrial competitiveness. These are areas which then becomes important to process and monitor. Another task is to determine the roles, responsibilities and work for a further - thought - project. We will create a map of focus areas and we shall identify competent teams who can investigate these areas and then delivering the best possible challenge and market intelligence to all program components in the SIO. The project synthesis and the final product delivery is a ´Roadmap´ that summarizes and can point out a direction for how the Swedish process and automation industry can increase its competitiveness through automation.
The project should reflect both the users and the suppliers needs and values of automation investments. It will challenge and give a picture of what the future needs are likely to be. Ultimately, there is a matching problem between industry and automation vendors that we intend to illustrate, and that the project should address.
The project may also consider whether there are opportunities for alternative and more efficient business models and project methods that can contribute to more efficient technical implementation and operation of automation investments.