
Digital and Circular Industrial Services

Data Communication

Dependable Software Engineering


Artificial Intelligence och Intelligent Systems

Automated Software language and Software engineering

Behavioral medicine, health and lifestyle (BeMe-Health)

Algebra and Analysis with applications

Sustainable working life

Transformative Management

Prolonged independent life

Resource efficiency


Safety-Critical Engineering


Software Testing Laboratory

Stochastic Processes, Statistics and Financial Engineering

Sustainable lifestyle and health from a public health perspective


Normcritical perspectives in the research into social vulnerability

Learning and Optimisation

Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems

Product and Production Development

Programme-specific research projects

Having an income and indebtednes

Health-promotion engineering

Engineering Mathematics

Industrial Software Engineering

Language Studies and Comparative Literature including Subject Didactics

ChiP - Children’s rights to health, protection, promotion and participation

Co-production research in health and welfare

Care, Recovery and Health

Certifiable Evidences and Justification Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

LACTA - a new method to identify the lactate threshold

The aim of the project is to further evaluate the system and to evaluate more applications for the sensor system.






Main financing

Collaboration partners

Project manager at MDU

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Description of the project

The lactate threshold is a good guideline for the endurance performance and for the control of training. Repeated measurements for individual athletes are of interest, as the threshold is related to types of muscle fibres involved, blood levels of glucose and fatty acids, and the altitude for the exercise. The lactate threshold is generally established by using blood tests. There are also non-invasive techniques to establish the ventilatory threshold. Still there is an interest in finding more cost effective and useful non-invasive methods to estimate the threshold.

In previous pilot studies it has been shown that the lactate threshold is possible to estimate using an electro acoustic sensor system, LACTA, analysing the respiratory air. The system measures the molecular weight of the gas inside the sensor. The aim of the project is to further evaluate the system and to evaluate more applications for the sensor system.