
NOMP-group – New Organisation and Management Practices

IVRIS – Introducing welfare technology through the realization of collaborative innovation capacity

Increasing the use of welfare technologies is often considered one solution to the challenge related to an aging population. Introducing welfare technologies is however a complex process that requires the inclusion of users (older people and different kinds of professional and organizational groups) who will affect how the technology is presented, introduced, used, controller and followed-up. Most importantly, the introduction of welfare technologies is about changing work practices, not about technical artefacts.






Main financing

Project manager at MDU

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Municipalities and assistive technologies centers need to develop their innovation processes in order to involve the relevant actors and their competences during the introduction of new technologies, in order for the technologies to become beneficial for the organizations and the older people. There is therefore a need for structuring how to work with collaboration given that the capacity to innovate is distributed across several actors and that all their contributions are needed.

The project builds on the SinS project and the conceptual toolbox developed in collaboration with municipalities and regions and available here www.co-wt.se External link.

IVRIS - an interactive and flexible tool

IVRIS Checklist is an interactive and flexible tool to be used to improve the collaboration among different stakeholders (professionals and end-users) when starting a new initiative in the area of Welfare Technology. IVRIS Checklist will guide through several steps that remind you and your co-workers which are the key aspects to pay attention to along the way. It is a collaborative tool that invites you to start from existing resources, practices, and policies in order to work with a pragmatic service-oriented approach.

The checklist has been developed through the collaboration-based IVRIS-method.

The IVRIS checklist has been designed by NOMP researchers (MDU) in collaboration with FoU (Forskning och utveckling) in Sörmland, Eskilstuna Municipality (Vård-och Omsorgsförvaltningen), and Hjälpmedelscentralen in Eskilstuna, as partners of the project “IVRIS –Att introducera välfärdsteknik genom realisering av innovationsförmåga i samverkan” (period: 2018-2021), funded by Vinnova.

UI/UX Designer: Andreea Strineholm

Click on the link below to see the IVRIS Checklist.

IVRIS Checklist

IVRIS Checklist for developing new collaborations in the area of Welfare Technologies

See the IVRIS Checklist