
Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems

ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems

ITS-EASY is an industrial research school in Embedded Software and Systems, affiliated with the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDU), as an integrated part of the MDU strategic research area Embedded Systems (ES).

Project manager at MDU

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ITS-EASY is an industrial research school in Embedded Software and Systems, affiliated with the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDU), as an integrated part of the MDU strategic research area Embedded Systems (ES).

ITS-EASY envisions to be a unique industrial research school par excellence in the Embedded Systems domain in Sweden. ITS-EASY is focused on topics of paramount importance for dominating parts of Swedish industry: Embedded Systems including Software-Intensive Systems, Dependable (reliable and safe) Systems, and Sensor Systems. The main industrial domains considered are automation, telecommunication and vehicles.