The Innovation Gym research group focuses on the innovatory skills of individuals and organisations and the ability to cooperate in innovation processes in which several actors cooperate and co-produce.
Main financing
Research area
Project manager at MDU
Description of the project
The Innovation Gym research group focuses on the innovatory skills of individuals and organisations and the ability to cooperate in innovation processes in which several actors cooperate and co-produce. Specifically this means staff involvement innovation, or “workplace innovation” in the early phases of the innovation process, from the formulation of possibilities/problems to the design of concepts.
The research is inspired by intradisciplinary theories from education and sociology, but is specifically based on theories concerning innovation development, creativity, business intelligence, leadership theory and organisational learning with the purpose of studying, for example, requirements in the form of skills, leadership and organisational structure for a distributed and resource-effective innovation process which leads to the production of a concept.