
InnoCities - Smart and sustainable community development through innovation and co-production

The transformation work to achieve Agenda 2030 presupposes a high degree of social innovation and collaboration in order for the necessary system transformations to be carried out - not least in municipalities and other publicly owned organisations.

By further developing a successful Norwegian innovation program for Swedish conditions, the project will contribute to developing municipalities' (and publicly owned ports and energy companies') ability to innovate and interact so that the engagement from individuals, civil society, academia and business is systematically woven together with established activities and social missions. The project will lead to the further developed innovation program, under the name InnoCities, being disseminated to municipalities (and ports and energy companies) in Sweden and the Nordic countries.






Main financing

Project manager at MDU

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Project purpose

The project will develop, implement and disseminate the innovation program InnCcities, which will provide a systematic innovation process and methodology for local operational collaboration. The aim is to accelerate the work to achieve Agenda 2030 and contribute to a smart and sustainable community and business development. InnoCities is based on a methodology developed by Smart Innovation Norway/Smarte Byer og Samfunn together with 15 Norwegian municipalities, public owned ports and energy companies with over 120 concrete development and innovation projects.

Project objectives

  • Increased ability to innovate and adapt through new forms of co-production and partnerships as well as knowledge in innovation management.
  • Insights into the working methods and result s that contribute to economic, ecological and social sustainability.
  • Increased ability to lead and steer to achieve sustainability goals, by balancing and integrating the three sustainability dimensions.
  • New working methods that contributes to system innovation that promotes sustainable development.
  • Increase the amount of implemented sustainable and innovation projects in the society.

This research relates to the following sustainable development goals