
Dependable Software Engineering


The main project goal is to reduce time and cost during the creation of families of safety cases by systematizing reuse and enabling automatic generation.






Collaboration partners

Project manager at MDU

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Description of the project

ISO 26262 is the new standard that focuses on automotive functional safety and defines the to-be-applied safety life-cycle by describing how electrical and/or electronic systems should be developed and assessed. ISO 26262 requires the provision of a safety case, which is an argument used to convince the assessors involved in the certification process that the product is acceptably safe which means that intolerable hazards are eliminated or mitigated. Without a convincing safety case, a product cannot be sold. Thus the creation of a safety case is necessary and extremely relevant in the automotive domain.

The proposed 12-moth project spread over 2 years is called “Gen&ReuseSafetyCases”. Based on SSF SYNOPSIS results, the main project goal is to reduce time and cost during the creation of families of safety cases by systematizing reuse and enabling automatic generation.

To achieve the goal, the work to be performed mainly consists of:

  1. delimitation of the portion of the safety life-cycle to be deeply investigated as well as define the Scania product line to be investigated
  2. identification and analysis of the current state of practice in specifying variants at Scania
  3. planning, exploration and development of solutions for the creation of reusable safety case fragments
  4. demonstration of results
  5. results validation. The expected results are: master theses, demonstrator integrated within an existing tool-chain; technical reports and scientific publications.