
Digitalisation of Future Energy

FUDIPO – Future DIrections for Process industry Optimization

The goal with the project is to develop a future process optimization system, and the project is within EU Horizon 2020, program SPIRE-2 (Sustainable Process Industry Research). Mälardalen University is coordinator for the project.

Project manager at MDU

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The goal with the project is to develop a future process optimization system. It is built on simulation models of different processes which are adapted semi-on-line using process data. In this way we create a learning system. This is applied towards five processes: Power plants (Mälarenergi, Sweden), oil refineries (Tüpraş, Turkey), Pulp and paper industry (Billerud-Korsnäs, Sweden), Biological waste water treatment ( with ABB) and micro-gas turbine plants (MTT, Holland).

Project phases

The project will start with development of functions needed including process models, tools for diagnostics, decision support, production planning and optimization as well as model based control. To this comes development and testing of new sensors, both “hard” and “soft”. Applications are made by specific functions of most importance in the five cases, and then integrated to use all integrated at at least one of the applications. The result will be an open base platform, onto which specific extensions and advancements can be made by partners.