Data-driven professional development meets internationalization: Enhancing skills to teach through English
The project aims to develop a reflective cycle for professional development by using computational tools (a speech recognition tool and a concordance software for data mining) to investigate patterns of language used in lectures and seminars.
Main financing
Research area
Project manager at MDU
This project facilitates the use of digital tools to encourage reflection the use of English in teaching. The project aims to develop a reflective cycle for professional development by using computational tools (a speech recognition tool and a concordance software for data mining) to investigate patterns of language used in lectures and seminars. Professional and pedagogical development will be enabled in two ways: 1) using computational analysis, the researchers will be able to instantly analyse and reflect on the language use in lectures and increase sensitivity toward academic and communicative aspects of the use of English in teaching. 2) they will develop a data-led, digital reflection framework that can be implemented in other departments at Mälardalen University. The ultimate aim is that in the future this framework can be extended to and inform teacher education programmes as well as higher education pedagogy courses. This pedagogical development framework will aim at facilitating the use of digital tools for reflection, while also aiming at addressing the needs for internationalization in teaching.
- Using computational analysis, the researchers will be able to instantly analyse and reflect on the language use in lectures and increase sensitivity toward academic and communicative aspects of the use of English in teaching.
- They will develop a data-led, digital reflection framework that can be implemented in other departments at Mälardalen University. The ultimate aim is that in the future this framework can be extended to and inform teacher education programmes as well as higher education pedagogy courses.
- Multiple data analysis meetings
- Multiple pedagogical development meetings