Coordination of digital transformation
The project aims to improve manufacturing companies ability to manage and coordinate the digital transformation in factory networks by developing strategies and organizational structures that support and streamline the technology development. The overall goal is better utilization of new technologies and thus increased efficiency and industrial competitiveness.
Main financing
Research area
Project manager at MDU
Description of the project
Managing the digital transformation is challenging for industry. Three industrial challenges as well as research gaps have been identified and are addressed in the project:
- designing organizational structures and working methods that support digital transformation and coordination of it.
- establishing a digital transformation strategy and roadmap from a production perspective.
- knowledge on the ability to coordinate the digital transformation in factory networks.
Project objectives
The expected project delivery is a framework, aimed at industrial companies, for the coordination of digital transformation containing activities and tools for coordination, organizational support structures and models for digital transformation strategy and roadmap. Through an interactive research design, measures are also expected to improve the coordination of digital transformation at the partner companies.