

Co-creation method in the conduct of an international conference in health and welfare technologies

The project aims to investigate how different stakeholders co-create and co-operate in identification and formulation of priorities and need for discussion in the HWT field.






Main financing

Research area

Project manager at MDU

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The International Health and Welfare Technology Co-creation Conference aims to gather key stakeholders from public, private, academic, and civil sectors that develop, employ, and use health and welfare technologies (HWT). An interdisciplinary scientific co-production model will be used to shape the conference structure and content. Participants will be given the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experiences, and perspectives about how evidence should be used when developing and implementing HWT.

The invited disciplines will include software and hardware engineering, social sciences, health and medical sciences, economic sciences, and organisational sciences. We will assemble the participants across six primary themes: HWT development, procurement, utility, implementation, follow-up and evaluation, and financing models. Participants will, prior to the conference, be actively engaged in identifying key challenges across these themes through a web-based, guided process using research-proven methods. The results of that process will form the basis for the structure, content, and profile of the keynote speakers in the conference program, and the ensuing debate forums.

A planned outcome of the conference is the clear identification, documentation and dissemination of prioritized research questions that can lead to new research projects that create evidence for HWT usefulness. The conference will also create opportunities for long-term and broad co-operation between various stakeholders. The observed effects of the conference will be supported by the newly established international HWT ecosystem hosted by Mälardalen University.

Aim of the project

The project aims to investigate how different stakeholders co-create and co-operate in identification and formulation of priorities and need for discussion in the HWT field.


  • To engage 200-300 potential conference participants in the co-creation of the conference program.
  • To conduct the first-ever international conference in health and welfare technologies on Swedish soil, in hybrid form (digital and in-person participation).


  • Launching and moderation of a unique online co-creation forum for potential conference participants.
  • Conducting an international hybrid conference.
  • Analysis and publication of research regarding the co-creation process and its outcomes.