Zero hunger
Zero hunger is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Ongoing research projects
- Agrivoltaics in Skåne
- Avoiding conflicts between the sustainable development goals through agro-photovoltaic systems
- Carbon2Food – Boosting sustainable vertical farming by CO2 fertilization from air carbon capture
- Cooperation for increased knowledge about coexistence between agriculture and agrivoltaics in Sweden
- Farm4Future
- Optimized design of agrivoltaic systems in Sweden (Opti-APV)
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- Scandinavian ECO-Collaborate Living Lab: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Resilience in Food Security
- The value of aesthetics for acceptance of agrivoltaics in the rural landscape
- Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
- Wastewater2reuse