Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable cities and communities is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Ongoing research projects
- Accelerating digital transformation in African health systems while leaving no one behind.
- Agrivoltaics in Skåne
- Art-based methods for science education and sustainability (ARMESS)
- Art: Ways of working across boundaries - policy lab for climate adaptation work in relation to changed precipitation patterns
- Carbon2Food – Boosting sustainable vertical farming by CO2 fertilization from air carbon capture
- Cooperation for increased knowledge about coexistence between agriculture and agrivoltaics in Sweden
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieval practice
- E-mobility integration through AI and digitalization for a higher grid flexibility - iEVsFlex
- Farm4Future
- Future-proof Cities+
- Geothermal Community Heat Technology and Transfer
- Homogeneity in High-Kappa Kraft Pulping (HH-KK)
- INTERCONNECT: Integrated Time Sensitive Networking and Legacy Communications in Predictable Vehicle-platforms
- Increase synergy between different energy networks (SENERGY-NETS)
- Innovation Management for Resilient Energy Systems - Orchestration of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Dynamics
- Meeting and community in the post-digital era: Understanding the texture of organizing and how it is changing
- Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs
- Multiscale Methods for simulations of mechanical metamaterials
- New Replacement Policy Considering Environment Sustainability
- PLATSMO - Places facing structural head wind - (re)newed methods to promote changes in the development of people's everyday landscapes in both urban and rural areas
- ProPlan - Smart production planning at city and regional level
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- Reliability and Performance of Photovoltaic Systems
- SCOSSA - Sector coupling in energy transitions as sociotechnical processes
- SLAM: Self-supervised learning for predictive maintenance
- Scandinavian ECO-Collaborate Living Lab: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Resilience in Food Security
- Smart Battery Circularity - Circul8
- Smart Circularity Implementation (SmartCircle)
- Smart and Circular Battery Charging Solutions
- Solar Energy Research Center Sweden Sverige (SOLVE)
- Tested Site Optimization Solutions (Tested-SOS)
- The Border-Transgressing Self: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Autofictions of Migration
- Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
- Wastewater2reuse
- iNNoPs: Innovation pedagogics - support for innovation advisors