Responsible consumption and production
Responsible consumption and production is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Ongoing research projects
- CPMXai: Cognitive Predictive Maintenance and Quality Assurance using Explainable Ai and Machine Learning
- Carbon2Food – Boosting sustainable vertical farming by CO2 fertilization from air carbon capture
- Concepts for the Sustainable Office of the Future (SOFCO)
- Flexible and Secure Modular Automation
- Green Design - Circular and sustainable production investments
- MORMOR- Monitoring of airflow and airborne particles, to provide early warning of irrespirable atmospherics conditions
- New Replacement Policy Considering Environment Sustainability
- ProPlan - Smart production planning at city and regional level
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- SCOSSA - Sector coupling in energy transitions as sociotechnical processes
- Smart Battery Circularity - Circul8
- Smart and Circular Battery Charging Solutions
- Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
- Wastewater2reuse