Reduced inequalities
Reduced inequalities is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to reduce inequality within and among countries.
Ongoing research projects
- "The other" children i the Swedish school health services: (de)construction and interaction
- Beauty and Authority. Sparta and Alcman in Modern Swedish Literature
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieval practice
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieving practice - enhancing learning and memory
- Cultural Evolution in Digitial Socities
- Drawing the Future
- Ethics in the use of artificial intelligence in Human Resources
- Intervensions in Income Support that Increase the Chances of Self-sufficiency
- Is the state subsidy for outsourcing of domestic services associated with increased labour market integration and mobility of immigrants?
- Meeting and community in the post-digital era: Understanding the texture of organizing and how it is changing
- Obstacles and opportunities for equal participation of citizens with intellectual disabilities: evidence from a world leading accessibility initiative
- Reduce Sedentary behavior during Cancer treatment - the RedSedCan study
- Telepresence robot mediated embodied interaction in hybrid language learning environments
- The Border-Transgressing Self: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Autofictions of Migration
- The role of preschool in promoting mental health: collaboration for attendance and engagement
- Understanding changes in levels of occupational sex segregation in Sweden and Europe during half a century
- Workplace structure and work-related ill-health: female dominance, organizational factors, initiatives and political decisions in municipal administration