Quality education
Quality education is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Ongoing research projects
- AI Write - AI tools for writing
- Art-based methods for science education and sustainability (ARMESS)
- Artificial intelligence, democracy and human dignity
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieval practice
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieving practice - enhancing learning and memory
- Cultural Evolution in Digitial Socities
- Drawing the Future
- Fostering Student Engagement and Participation in Classrooms: Digitally-Enhanced Reflection And Feedback In Education
- Gutsy learning! Poetry and photography for meaningful concepts on societal challenges
- HIVEMIND: Human-centred collaboratIVE MultI-ageNt framework for accelerating software Development and maintenance
- Obstacles and opportunities for equal participation of citizens with intellectual disabilities: evidence from a world leading accessibility initiative
- Operationalising usage-based learning: A minimal cognitive architecture approach
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- Same program, different outcomes
- Studying the effects of teachers’ professional development through quasi-experimental analyses of TIMSS and PIRLS
- Sustainable professional development by a digitalizied introductory programme for nurses
- Telepresence robot mediated embodied interaction in hybrid language learning environments
- The role of preschool in promoting mental health: collaboration for attendance and engagement
- Trustworthy Generative AI for Advanced Industrial DigitaliZation (Trust_Gen_Z)
- Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
- Wastewater2reuse
- iNNoPs: Innovation pedagogics - support for innovation advisors