Good health and well-being
Good health and well-being is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Ongoing research projects
- "The other" children i the Swedish school health services: (de)construction and interaction
- Art: Ways of working across boundaries - policy lab for climate adaptation work in relation to changed precipitation patterns
- Automation or augmentation: How are white-collar workers affected by automating technologies in the financial sector (DigiFin)
- Carbon2Food – Boosting sustainable vertical farming by CO2 fertilization from air carbon capture
- Challenges and strategies in RNs handling of medical emergency calls
- Development of an AI-Based Trusted Smart System for Cardiovascular Health Monitoring
- Drawing the Future
- Effects of implementing modern health and welfare technology in Västerås municipality's elderly care homes
- Farm4Future
- Fostering Student Engagement and Participation in Classrooms: Digitally-Enhanced Reflection And Feedback In Education
- Functionally oriented music therapy and long-term pain
- Harmful alcohol use among women and men in different industries: A survey based on a sample of the working population in Sweden
- Intelligent automation of interpersonal relationships in Human Resource work
- Modeling and analysis of risks in systems-of-systems
- Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs
- On-going evaluation of Centre for Welfare Change
- PINPOINT - The patient's first point of contact in primary care – registered nurses' communication and initial assessment
- PLATSMO - Places facing structural head wind - (re)newed methods to promote changes in the development of people's everyday landscapes in both urban and rural areas
- PRE-fall
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- Reduce Sedentary behavior during Cancer treatment - the RedSedCan study
- Scandinavian ECO-Collaborate Living Lab: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Resilience in Food Security
- Suicidal behavior in working life - risk and protective factors from a gender perspective
- Sustainable professional development by a digitalizied introductory programme for nurses
- TechConnect
- The role of preschool in promoting mental health: collaboration for attendance and engagement
- Trustworthy Generative AI for Advanced Industrial DigitaliZation (Trust_Gen_Z)
- Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
- Wastewater2reuse
- Workplace structure and work-related ill-health: female dominance, organizational factors, initiatives and political decisions in municipal administration