Gender equality
Gender equality is one of the UN's global goals for sustainable development. The aim is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Ongoing research projects
- "The other" children i the Swedish school health services: (de)construction and interaction
- A city for everyone? A study about young women's lives in a transforming suburb
- Art-based methods for science education and sustainability (ARMESS)
- Beauty and Authority. Sparta and Alcman in Modern Swedish Literature
- CPMXai: Cognitive Predictive Maintenance and Quality Assurance using Explainable Ai and Machine Learning
- Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieval practice
- Digital daily activity centres
- Harmful alcohol use among women and men in different industries: A survey based on a sample of the working population in Sweden
- Intelligent automation of interpersonal relationships in Human Resource work
- Meeting and community in the post-digital era: Understanding the texture of organizing and how it is changing
- Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs
- RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
- Socialisation of junior auditors
- Suicidal behavior in working life - risk and protective factors from a gender perspective
- TRUSTY - Trustworthy intelligent system for remote digital towers
- Understanding changes in levels of occupational sex segregation in Sweden and Europe during half a century
- Workplace structure and work-related ill-health: female dominance, organizational factors, initiatives and political decisions in municipal administration