Educational Sciences and Mathematics
POSSE (Practice-oriented social science education)
The POSSE (Practice-oriented social science education) research group focuses on questions of didactics and practice-oriented teaching issues in school social science subjects.
The social sciences and their treatment in education are shaped at several levels: by societal and global changes, by political decisions leading to curriculum changes, by research and higher teacher education, and not least in the classroom by teachers and students. Our research focuses on social science subjects in formal education especially history, religious studies and social studies. We raise and respond to concerns about democratic, ethical, political and philosophical issues and didactic approaches across and within these subject areas.
The members of the research group consist of doctoral students, junior and senior researchers. They work on both practice-oriented and professionally relevant projects. Our practice-oriented approach to research aims to influence and support the conditions, forms and content of teaching. Researchers collaborate with active teachers and principals in the practical activities of schools and higher education. Our group shares a premise that research should be relevant and adapted to the needs and challenges of practical activities.
The members of the research group work on projects that develop, test and explore, and follow up on applicable theories, methods and models for teaching social sciences in schools and teacher education.
Ongoing research projects (external)
A decolonial approach to teaching global justice issues (DecoPrax) External link.