Software and Systems Engineering
Software Testing Laboratory
Testing of embedded software, empirical studies of software testing, test automation and model-based testing.
The Software Testing Laboratory (STL) focuses on contemporary and future challenges in testing of embedded software systems, primarily in research projects conducted in close collaboration with industrial partners.
With an emphasis on method and tool development, as well as industrial and practical real life case studies, our research focus includes (but is not limited to) test design, model-based testing, search-based software testing, decision-support for software testing, and test automation. In short, we develop, refine, and evaluate methods, theories and tools for testing of industrial software systems.
The objectives of STL are to improve the current body of knowledge in software testing, and to disseminate our results with the broader research community as well as with our industrial partners. To achieve this, we regularly publish in the main software testing venues, try to keep an open mind, and continuously engage in diverse academic and industrial collaboration.
Ongoing research projects
ITS-EASY is an industrial research school in Embedded Software and Systems, affiliated with the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDU), as an integrated part of the MDU strategic research area Embedded Systems (ES).
Project manager at MDU: Kristina Lundqvist
Main financing: The Knowledge Foundation