
Innovation and Product Realisation

Innovation Management

The research group Innovation Management focuses on innovation, creativity and change processes, and the starting point of the group's research is the social dynamics that emerge in and affect the interaction between people in working life.

A process perspective is used to explain what enables and prevents change in working life, helping us understand how and why innovation and change occur.

The research group consists of an international team of researchers with a mixed research background and collaborates with both the private and public sectors to co-produce knowledge. Together, the group strives to contribute to research, new practices and policy by providing possible solutions to individual, organisational and societal challenges.

Seminar dates 2025

  • 16 Jan 15:00 – 16:30
    Ricardo Gallego, Open innovation
  • 13 Feb 15:00 – 16:30
    Anders Wikström & Simon Lindbom, Using technology in research – a workshop.
  • 13 Mar 15:00 – 16:30
    Barrett Sauter, Virtual reality adoption
    in the manufacturing industry.
  • 17 Apr 15:00 – 16:30
    Chris Ivory, AI technologies in banking and their impact on workers
  • 15 May 15:00 – 16:30
    Bengt Olsson, Findings from the upskill project focusing on relational ontology, craft skills and collective creativity
  • 19 May 14:30 – 16:30
    Annual event. Mini-conference. Collaboration between the innovation management research department & The Association for Innovation Management Professionals in Sweden (https://www.innovationsledarna.se/ External link, opens in new window.) .
    Welcome to an afternoon full of inspiring talks, panel debates and networking.
    Not to be missed!
  • 15-18 June ISPIM conference External link.
    Eskilstuna Campus, Floor 5,
    room A5 – 010
    Online participation External link.


  • Innovation, creativity and change at individual, group and organisational level.
  • Innovation in intra- and inter-organizer.
  • Enabling creativity, learning, entrepreneurship, innovation and quality.
  • Change processes related to creativity, learning, entrepreneurship, innovation and quality management.


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Visiting professors

Wim Vanhaverbeke is a prominent academic in the field of digital innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a professor at the University of Antwerp and serves as the academic director of the Master in Management program at Antwerp Management School. His research primarily focuses on digital strategies and the management of innovation ecosystems, particularly in sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and energy. He has published extensively in renowned international journals and co-edited significant works on open innovation. Additionally, he is the editor-in-chief of the journal Technovation and has been recognised as one of the top authors in technology and innovation management.

Research areas

Research on collaboration - RoC

Latest publications by our members

Research communication

To be updated.


  • Hur kommer AI förändra världen (Anette Hallin & Chris Ivory, 2024). https://sites.mdu.se/digma/arkiv/2024-05-24-hur-kommer-ai-forandra-varlden
  • AI and worker involvement (Rachael Berglund & Simon Lindblom, 2024). AI and Worker Involvement written by: Rachael Tripney Berglund and Simon Lindblom – sites.mdu.se


Looking into the influence of entrepreneurial passion on innovation (Adesuwa Omorede).

Ongoing research projects

Focusing on resilient energy ecosystems as the study object, this project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of resilient energy systems from a socio-technical point of view and specifically how ecosystem dynamics and the anticipation of exogeneous events and trends affects the energy systems ability to become resilient. Based on this new knowledge the project also aims to develop a framework and guideline for new practises of orchestration to support the transition into resilient energy systems.

Project manager at MDU: Peter E Johansson

Main financing: Energimyndigheten

The Up-Skill project addresses the workforce implications of industry 5.0, in particular, the relationship between automation choices and maintenance of skilled work, exploring the strategic space in production where automation adds value to skilled and artisanal work and where over-automation risks undermining the value of what is produced.

Project manager at MDU: Chris Ivory

Main financing: Europeiska kommissionen (Horizon Europe)