
Health and Welfare

Sustainable lifestyle and health from a public health perspective

The goal of this research is to contribute towards sustainable development with a focus on health and lifestyle from a public health perspective.


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Lifestyle factors, for example eating, exercising, smoking, drinking, sleeping, gaming, and networking, influence health and wellbeing in both positive and negative ways. Moreover, lifestyle factors may contribute to sustainable development on a global scale, for example through diet low in greenhouse gas emissions, environmentally friendly transportations, and social responsibility. Sweden has a well-developed welfare system compared to many other countries, but the prevalence of diseases is still unequally distributed between different socioeconomic groups. Also, the usage and access to health care resources differ between groups in the society, resulting in negative consequences for the individual, the community and public health in general.

Ongoing research projects

From a gender perspective, the aim is to develop new knowledge about suicidal behavior among women and men in different occupations in the labor market in Sweden, to investigate risk and protective factors in the work environment for suicidal behavior, and to increase knowledge about preventive measures against suicidal behavior in the workplace.

Project manager at MDU: Susanna Toivanen

Main financing: Afa Försäkring