
Third-cycle courses

In addition to the thesis itself, doctoral education includes a course component. The range and content of the course component is governed by the general syllabus for the third-cycle subject.

Student account

For most third-cycle courses, you will need to log in to a learning platform called Canvas. To do so, you must first create a student account. Please note that this also applies to you who are already admitted as a doctoral student at MDU and have login details and you who are employed at MDU.

You need to create a student account

Student account | Mälardalen University External link.

University-wide courses

Mälardalen University offers several university-wide courses at doctoral level. A university-wide offering is intended to promote joint studies across the Schools and subject boundaries and thereby increase the critical mass that doctoral students need during their education..

The purpose of this course is to provide the doctoral students with the opportunity to advance their knowledge about the philosophical foundations of research ethics, as well as specific research ethical queries regarding participant-based research, humans and technology, and coproduction.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Ulrika Jepson Wigg

Lectures + examination date:

  • 19 September, 09:15-15:00
  • 8 October, 09.15-15:00
  • 5 November, 09:15-15:00
  • 26 November, 09:15-15.00

Examination date: 17 December: 09:15-15:00

All lectures are on campus in Eskilstuna. No online participation.

Enrolment:  Register here External link.

Course literature: will be available on Canvas after registration

Number of participants: 25 (check syllabus for selection criteria)

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK019

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Research Ethics II Pdf, 252 kB.

Course information in Swedish

The course aims to introduce advanced search strategies and practices, the use of reference management software, and to bibliometrics and other tools that can be used to gain an overview of a research discipline or field.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Karin Molander Danielsson

For enquiries, contact biblioteket.forskarservice@mdu.se

Lectures + examination date:

  • 24-09-04 10:15-12:00 Online
  • 24-09-11 10:15-13:00 Västerås
  • 24-09-18, 10:15-13:00 Eskilstuna
  • 24-09-25 10:15-13:00 Västerås
  • 24-10-02 10:15-12:00 Online
  • Due 24-10-23 Written assignment

Enrolment: Register for the course External link.

Course literature: Available on Canvas one week before the course starts

Number of participants: 20 (check syllabus for selection criteria)

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK020

Course information in Swedish

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Academic writing I Pdf, 335 kB.

This course expands on insights from the course The academic article: Genre and form 2.5 credits, and develops skills needed to present and discuss research and research findings authoritatively in English.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Karin Molander Danielsson

Lectures + examination date:

  • 24-11-04 Västerås
  • 24-11-11 Västerås
  • 24-11-18 Västerås
  • 24-11-25 Writing due in Canvas
  • 24-12-02 Västerås
  • 24-12-16 Written assignment

Enrolment: Register for the course External link.

Course literature: Swales, J.M. and Feak, C.B. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. 3rd edition. University of Michigan Press.

Selected articles and other materials in Canvas.

Number of participants: 15 (Check syllabus for selection criteria).

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK022

Course information in Swedish

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Academic writin III Pdf, 220 kB.

The aim of the course is to increase the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the premises for doing research and being a doctoral student, with consideration for the different third-cycle subjects at Mälardalen university (MDU). The course provides guidance and support to start third-cycle studies at MDU and facilitates the understanding of interdisciplinary perspectives.

This is the first module of three independent modules in this course. This module focuses on University organization, rules and regulations at MDU, supervisor-doctoral student relationship, supervision process, and the ISP.

Host School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering

Course coordinator: Robbert Jongeling

Study period: 2025-02-07 and 2025-02-21

Location: Campus Västerås. Physical presence required.

Enrolment: Please contact: robbert.jongeling@mdu.se

Number of participants eligible for admission: 25

Language of instruction: English

Literature: No literature, homework assignments will be published on the Teams group for the course

Course code: FOID003

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to third-cycle studies and research literacy I Pdf, 508 kB.

The aim of the course is to increase the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the premises for doing research and being a doctoral student, with consideration for the different third-cycle subjects at Mälardalen university (MDU). The course provides guidance and support to start third-cycle studies at MDU and facilitates the understanding of interdisciplinary perspectives.

This is the second module of three independent modules in this course. This module focuses on Research fields, research methods, planning of research, oral presentation of doctoral projects, and introduction to academic writing, research communications, and networking.

Host School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering

Course coordinator: Robbert Jongeling

Study period: 2025-03-07 and 2025-03-21

Enrolment: Please contact: robbert.jongeling@mdu.se

Number of participants eligible for admission: 25

Location: Campus Västerås. Physical presence required

Literature: No literature, homework assignments will be published on the Teams group for the course

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOID004

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to third-cycle studies and research literacy II Pdf, 583 kB.

The aim of the course is to increase the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the premises for doing research and being a doctoral student, with consideration for the different third-cycle subjects at Mälardalen university (MDU). The course provides guidance and support to start third-cycle studies at MDU and facilitates the understanding of interdisciplinary perspectives.

This is the third module of three independent modules in this course. This module focuses on the thesis and defense processes, the publication process, funding opportunities, academic careers, and research commercialization and exploitation.

Host School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering

Course coordinator: Robbert Jongeling

Study period: 2025-04-04 and 2025-04-11

Location: Campus Västerås. Physical presence required

Enrolment: Please contact: robbert.jongeling@mdu.se

Number of participants eligible for admission: 25

Language of instruction: English

Literature: No literature, homework assignments will be published on the Teams group for the course

Course code: FOID005

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to third-cycle studies and research literacy III Pdf, 511 kB.

The course aims to further the doctoral student’s competencies in recognizing, analyzing and selecting an appropriate academic genre and type of organization that best serves the doctoral student’s data and field.

The doctoral student is expected to have made certain preparations to benefit from the course content: The doctoral student should have completed part of the planned data collection and have access to empirical material that can be processed during the course. If empirical evidence has not been collected, the doctoral student may instead have collected material in the form of relevant literature for a literature study.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr


April 1, kl 9-12, Campus Västerås

April 9, kl 9-12 online

April 17, kl. 9-12 online

April 30, kl 9-12 Campus Eskilstuna

Examination date: May 7.

Enrolment: Register for the course. External link.

Course literature:

Swales, J.M. & Feak, C.B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills. (3., [rev. and expanded] ed.) Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

Additionally, about five articles related to your specific field of research.

Number of participants: 15.

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK021

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Academic writing II. Pdf, 267 kB.

The objective of this course is to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to improve their skills in academic publishing and communication. Furthermore, the course aims to help novice researchers to tackle the complex processes involved in publishing in international academic journals, including selecting suitable venues for publishing in their field, responding to peer-reviews and engaging in editorial and review work. The course also aims at equipping the participants with digital and critical skills in disseminating knowledge within and beyond academia through technology-enhanced tasks.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Olcay Sert

Lectures + examination date:
Seminars take place in Västerås.
18 February, time 13:15-16:00
4 March, time 13:15-16:00
18 March., time 13:15-16:00
Examination date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Enrolment: https://mdh.mira.se/Events/2548/Apply External link.

Course literature: Literature will be announced at course start.

Number of participants: Max 10

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK023

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Academic writing IV Pdf, 238 kB.

This course provides opportunities for you as a doctoral student to advance your knowledge about legislation regarding research ethics, research ethical principles and good research practice, as well as related communicative and societal aspects of research.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Lena Johansson Westholm

Lectures + examination date: The course will be held on campus in Eskilstuna and Västerås with no possibility of online participation.

Lecture dates:
2025-03-13 9.15-15.00 Västerås
2025-04-03 9.15-15.00 Eskilstuna
2025-04-24 9.15-15.00 Västerås
2025-05-22 9.15-15.00 Eskilstuna
Examination date: 25-05-30

Enrolment: https://mdh.mira.se/Events/2546/Apply. External link. Open for enrollment.

Course literature: The course literature will be available on the Canvas site for the course a few weeks before the course starts.

Number of participants: 40 (extended)

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK018

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Research Ethics I Pdf, 217 kB.

The course aims to introduce doctoral students to central questions related to the production of scientific knowledge, from contemporary and historical points of view. The course also aims to cover different scientific traditions and how they relate to each other.

Course coordinator: Martina Summer Meranius

Study period: 2025-01-13—2025-02-28

Study pace: 50%

Enrolment: Deadline 2024-12-12. Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Course code: FHVV025

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Philosophy of Science I Pdf, 228 kB.

The course aims to enable doctoral students to position themselves within a scientific tradition and/or field by developing and communicating their research in multidisciplinary contexts. The course also aims to enable doctoral students to study the relation between scientific research and societal challenges and how different disciplines, actors, and organizations coproduce knowledge.

Course coordinator: David Redmalm

Study period: 2025-03-03—2025-03-21

Study pace: 50%

Enrolment: Deadline 2025-02-16. Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Course code: FHVV026

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Philosophy of Science II Pdf, 269 kB.

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to develop in-depth knowledge of ethnographic methodology in qualitative research with relevance to their own third-cycle subject.

Host School: School of Health, Care and Social Welfare

Course coordinator: To be announced later

Number of participants: To be announced later

Study period: 2025-02-03--2025-03-06 - Cancelled

Place of study: To be announced later

Study pace: 50%

Language of instruction: English

Enrolment: Course is cancelled

Course code: FHVV029

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Qualitative Research Methods with a focus on ethnographic Methodology and Analysis Pdf, 225 kB.

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to develop in-depth knowledge of interview and conversation-based methods in qualitative research with relevance to their own third-cycle subject.

Host School: School of Health, Care and Social Welfare

Course coordinator: Nina Klang

Number of participants: To be announced later

Study period: 2025-03-10 – 2025-04-10

Place of study: Västerås

Study pace: 50%

Language of instruction: English

Enrolment: Apply by 31 January 2025, to HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Course code: FHVV027

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Qualitative Research Methodologies with a focus on interview methods Pdf, 226 kB.

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to develop in-depth knowledge of visual methods, with a focus on the collection and analysis of visual materials. The course provides an orientation in processing and understanding multimodal materials, i.e. materials that include both textual and visual elements.

Host School: School of Health, Care and Social Welfare

Course coordinator: Karolina Uggla

Number of participants: To be announced later

Study period: 2025-04-14 – 2025-05-15

Study pace: 50%

Language of instruction: English

Study location: Partly on campus in Eskilstuna, partly online.

Enrolment: Apply by 14 March 2025, to HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Course code: FHVV030

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Visual Methods - Data collection and analysis Pdf, 242 kB.

The course teaches participants to develop fundamental knowledge of quantitative methods in scientific studies. The course introduces fundamental concepts for the design of quantitative studies.

Information on literature will be given on Canvas in due time.

Seminars take place on campus Västerås.

(v. 11) Fri 14 March 13-16

(v. 12) Tue 18 March 9-12

(v. 13) Tue 25 March 9-12

(v. 14) Tue 1 April 9-12

(v. 15) Mon 7 April 9-12

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Alexandra Dylman

Number of participants: Max 25

Place of study: Campus Västerås

Language of instruction: English

Enrollment: Sign up for the course External link. 2 December - 31 January.

Course code: FOUK031

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to Design of Qualitative Research Pdf, 190 kB.

The course teaches participants to develop the skills to independently perform quantitative analyses in scientific studies and draw conclusions by interpreting the results. The course introduces fundamental concepts, tests and tools for performing statistical analysis. Students are expected to implement the tests using empirical data provided.

Information on literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Host School: School of Education, Culture and Communication

Course coordinator: Alexandra Dylman

Seminars take place on campus in Västerås.
Tue 22 April, kl 9-12
Tue 29 April, kl 9-12
Tue 6 May, kl 13-16
Tue 13 May, kl 9-12
Tue 20 May, kl 9-12
Tue 27 May, kl 9-12
Mon 9 Juni Deadline examination.

Number of participants: Max 25

Place of study: Campus Västerås

Language of instruction: English

Enrollment: Sign up for the course External link. 2 December - 31 January.

Course code: FOUK032

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis Pdf, 182 kB.

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to develop in-depth knowledge of qualitative methodologies and methods relevant to their own third-cycle subject.

Contact person: Lisa Salmonsson

Course date: 2025-10-13--2025-11-18

Enrolment: Deadline 29 September

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Stude pace: 50%

Number of participants: maximum 30

Place of study: Hybrid (campus Västerås)

Language: English

Course code: FHVV028

Readling list: Will be communicated later

Course syllabus: Pdf, 225 kB, opens in new window.


The course content and the teaching aims to provide an insight into the role of research communication for research and for society, as well as the role and responsibility of the researcher in a polarized world.

Course coordinator: Jonas Stier

Course date: 2025-11-17--2025-11-27

Enrolment: Deadline 27 October.

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 100%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study and teaching formats: Seminar takes place on site (Västerås campus). Remaining online.

Language: English

Course code: FHVV021

Reading list: Will be communicated before the course starts.

Syllabus Pdf, 207 kB.

Based on the doctoral student's thesis work and research communication, the course content and teaching aims to provide in-depth insights into popular science and multimedia research communication as well as to potential collaboration partners both within and outside academia and the challenges associated with this.

Course coordinator: Jonas Stier

Course date: 2025-11-28--2025-12-08

Enrolment: Deadline 7 November

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 100%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study and teaching formats: Seminar takes place on site (Västerås campus). Remaining online.

Language: English

Course code: FHVV022

Reading list: Will be communicated before the course starts.

Syllabus Pdf, 172 kB.

The course aims to provide an in-depth insight into the craft of research communication, both written and oral, and in various genres based on the doctoral student's own research.

Course coordinator: Jonas Stier

Course date: 2025-12-09--2025-12-19

Enrolment: Deadline 18 November

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 100%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study and teaching formats: Seminar takes place on site (Västerås campus). Remaining online.

Language: English

Course code: FHVV023

Reading list: Will be communicated before the course starts.

Syllabus Pdf, 196 kB.


University library courses

The purpose of the course is for the doctoral student to reach a basic understanding of good research data management and the significance of open science.

The course encompasses:

  • Introduction to open science and research data
  • Introduction to good research data management according to FAIR data principles
  • Developing data management plans, in practice and theory

Scope: Equivalent to 2 credits, need credit transfer

Start date: 10 March 2025
End date: 14 April 2025

  • 10/3, 13:15-15:00 – digital lecture
  • 17/3, 13:15-15:00 – digital lecture
  • 24/3, 13:15-16:00 – Västerås campus
  • 31/3, 13:15-15:00 – Eskilstuna campus

Course Coordinator: frida.jonsson@mdu.se

The course will be conducted in English.

Examination will be in form of a written assignment, as well as active participation in seminars and workshops. Attendance is compulsory.

Enrollment: Register here External link..

Course syllabus: Research data for doctoral students in an open science landscapePdf, 220.5 kB. Pdf, 217 kB, opens in new window.

If you have any questions, please email: biblioteket.forskarservice@mdu.se

Course literatur Pdf, 198 kB.

Business administration

The course aims to provide participants with an understanding of Business Administration (BA) (in Swedish: Företagsekonomi) as an academic subject compared to other, related academic subjects. Additionally, the course seeks to enhance the understanding of PhD programmes in Business Administration in Sweden (and potentially Scandinavia, contingent upon participants) and prepare the PhD-students for a career in academia by bringing up aspects such as the structure of Higher Education locally and nationally, the academic practices of writing and publishing, and how to give and take feedback on academic work.

All seminar takes place on campus in Västerås.


  • 2025-02-21
  • 2025-03-28
  • 2025-04-11
  • 2025-04-25

The last seminar is in May 2025. The date will be given during the first seminar.

Date for the examination: 2025-06-01.

Course coordinator: Emilia Rovira Nordman

Enrollment: Send an e-mail to: emilia.rovira.nordman@mdu.se

Language of instruction: English

Participants: Unlimited.

Course code: FOES027

Syllabus Pdf, 290 kB.

Computer Science

This course covers the interrelated topics of systems theory, cybernetics, and complexity theory. A system is a group of elements that interact in a way that creates behavior or properties that do not exist in the individual elements. An important question is how to design systems to fulfil certain purposes. This often involves combining elements of different kinds, such as technology, humans, organizations, or natural objects. It also involves controlling their interactions, which is studied in the field of cybernetics. This is a challenge, since many systems are of immense complexity, due to a large variety of elements and numerous interrelations. Seemingly simple elements, arranged in straightforward ways, can still exhibit surprising behavior that should be avoided if it could be predicted.

Course coordinator: Jakob Axelsson

Study period: 2025-01 - 2025-06

Enrollment: Open until 15th of December. Contact jakob.axelsson@mdu.se

Study pace: 25 %

Language: English

Course code: FOID007

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Systems, Cybernetics and Complexity Pdf, 264 kB, opens in new window.

The course is primarily intended to focus on the research work needed to be done to complete a licentiate or doctoral project.

The content of the course is twofold.

  1. The student shall familiarize with her research area and gain an understanding of the research areas of the other participating students. This includes identifying:
    a. Core literature and seminal articles
    b. Key conferences/workshops/journals
    c. Leading researchers and research groups
    d. Current research issues
  2. The student shall design a research plan for her licentiate or doctoral project based on the items identified in the point above

Course coordinator: Federico Ciccozzi

Study period: 2025-01-2025-05

Enrolment: Open until 10th of December. Apply here (link to another page) External link.

Study pace: 100 %

Language: English

Course code: FOID008

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Research planning Pdf, 186 kB.

The purpose of the course is that the doctoral students get involved and gain experience in leading research applications to Horizon Europe.

Course code: FOID009

Study pace: 25%

Place of study: Västerås (physical presence)

Study period: March-June 2025

Enrollement: via email to gunnar.widforss@mdu.se. Attach proof of licentiate degree. By February 18 at the latest.

Course coordinator: Gunnar Widforss

Examiner: Konstantinos Kyprianidis


Lectures on Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications for collaborative, industry-research applications.

Training to acquire skills for and experience of Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications. To get the PhD students to coordinate and lead an application, involve companies and researchers. To write an application that can be submitted to the course. Create an account on the portal, how to find a topic (Topic) through the "seek funding" function, reflect on how to create a consortium, actually do this, and in writing: how to meet the Section 1 criteria and SMART objectives, How to formulate outcomes and wider impact - vs results, how to write so that the evaluator can follow the thread in each direction, how to formulate work packages, familiarizing with the WBS.

Teaching and training:

Given by merited project managers.

Syllabus Pdf, 244 kB.


Course objective: See the Swedish page. The course is given in Swedish.

Course coordinator: Eva Hultin

Enrolment: Apply here (link to external page)). External link.

Teaching sessions and examination (UPDATED):
November 13, 9.15-12, Västerås
December 10, 9.15-12, Eskilstuna
December 18, 9.15-12, Västerås
January 8, 9.15-12, Västerås
January 29, 9.15-12, Västerås (alt. Zoom)
February 7, 13.15-16, Västerås
February 21, 9.15-12, Eskilstuna

Literature: Available through Canvas at start of the course

Number of participants: Not limited

Language of instruction: Swedish

Course code: FOUK027

Course syllabus (In Swedish): Kursplan External link.

The objective of the course is to enhance PhD-students’ ability to critically assess and evaluate doctoral dissertations, and reflect on questions during or raised in relation to the public defences.

The course runs over several terms to enable attending public defences with a variety of foci, and relevance for the course participants.

Participation in at least five public defences and the related seminars to discuss and reflect on the dissertation and the defence is mandatory.

Information about upcoming public defences is continually updated on Canvas. In order to meet the requirements on variety and relevance, participants are offered to attend seminars together with PhD-students from other universities in the vicinity.

Participants must be prepared to travel to other universities to attend public defences in person.

Individual dates for examinations will be decided in agreement with the participants.

Literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Course coordinator: Nina Klang

Language of instruction: Swedish. If necessary, seminars will be in English.

Enrollment: Enroll to the course by sending an e-mail to research administrator petra.coolen.larsson@mdu.se

Course Code: FOUK028

Course syllabus: Course syllabus for Dissertation defence course Pdf, 258 kB.

This course is designed to help PhD students understand and analyse “pedagogical interaction” (in its broad sense) so as to be able to build links to learning and teaching events and behaviours (in all subjects) in classrooms and beyond.

The course aims to teach 1) theoretical and methodological aspects of multimodal Conversation Analysis and 2) basic analytical steps to carry out and report interaction-based research in education.

“Multimodal Analysis of Pedagogical Interaction” is designed to benefit PhD students who are planning to work on audio-visual data with a micro-analytic, sequential and multimodal perspective. In addition to the lectures, the course facilitates hands-on learning through seminars/webinars and data sessions to help postgraduate students work on “naturally-occurring” data for analytic purposes.

All seminars take place in Västerås.

  • 13 February, time 10:15-13:00
  • 20 February, time 10:15-13:00
  • 27 February, time 10:15-13:00
  • 6 March, time 10:15-13:00
  • 13 March, time 10:15-13:00
  • 20 March, time 10:15-13:00

Examination date will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Course coordinator: Olcay Sert

Language of instruction: English

Enrollment: Register for the course External link.

Course Code: FOUK003

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Multimodal Analysis of Pedagogical Interaction Pdf, 225 kB.

The objective of the course is to enhance PhD-students’ ability to critically assess and evaluate doctoral dissertations, and reflect on questions during or raised in relation to the public defences.

The course runs over several terms to enable attending public defences with a variety of foci, and relevance for the course participants.

Participation in at least five public defences and the related seminars to discuss and reflect on the dissertation and the defence is mandatory.

Information about upcoming public defences is continually updated on Canvas. In order to meet the requirements on variety and relevance, participants are offered to attend seminars together with PhD-students from other universities in the vicinity.

Participants must be prepared to travel to other universities to attend public defences in person.

Individual dates for examinations will be decided in agreement with the participants.

Literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Course coordinator: Nina Klang

Language of instruction: Swedish. If necessary, seminars will be in English.

Enrollment: Enroll to the course by sending an e-mail to research administrator petra.coolen.larsson@mdu.se

Course Code: FOUK028

Course syllabus: Course syllabus for Dissertation defence course Pdf, 258 kB.

This first time the course is offered, there will be a particular focus on mathematics education, as the course is an obligatory course in the REMATH research school.

The aim of the course is to provide the doctoral candidates with awareness of and knowledge about a range of perspectives on the relationship between theory and empirical evidence, including different understandings of what constitutes theory. Furthermore, the course aims to introduce doctoral candidates to knowledge of the processes of theorising.

The course addresses some common conceptions of the notion of theory in Education and provides an introduction to a range of historical and current perspectives on the relationship between theory and data in Education. Some cases of theorising are critically engaged and the process of theorising is discussed in relation to engaged perspectives on the theory-data relationship. Ontological, epistemological and methodological positions will be engaged in the comparisons of perspectives.

Guest lecturers: Karl Maton, Wayne Hugo, and Andreas Ryve

Credits: 5

Language: English

Course coordinator: Iben Christiansen

Enrollment: Register for the course External link.

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Theories and Theorising in Educational Sciences and Research Pdf, 221 kB.

Lectures + examination date:

Some dates for seminars are still under negotiation as they depend on the planning of the international guests.

  • January 24th, 2025, 9-11, zoom
  • February 20th, 13:15-15, zoom
  • March 13th or 14th, zoom
  • April 3rd, zoom
  • May 5th, 13:15-15, zoom
  • Late May, zoom
  • Mid-June, in person at MDU
  • Week 35, in person at MDU

Obligatory readings

Hugo, 2019a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-czYnsK_aI External link.

Hugo, 2019b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZuwBT0_cAM External link.

Hugo, W. (2019c). Theorising education: A primer for the educational imagination. HSRC Press

Hugo, W., & Mokoena, M. (2024). How do pedagogic causal mechanisms in vocational education work?. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/13636820.2024.2400652 External link.

Jablonka, E., & Bergsten, C. (2010). Theorising in mathematics education research: Differences in modes and quality. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, 15(1), 25-52. (First 14 pages)

Lee, E. (2023). Resisting dogmatism in social work knowledge generation: Theorising, social justice and implications for social work doctoral education. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(2), 1142-1160.

Maton, K. (2024a). Now that’s what I call theory! What is LCT? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbvAoNGuYxM&list=PLBqi1rN-vIpRIDu0kBt67_fQVo5C6h1Np&index=6 External link.

Maxwell, J. A. (2012). A realist approach for qualitative research. Sage. (Chapter 1)

Niss, M. (2007). The concept and role of theory in mathematics education. Relating practice and research in mathematics education. Proceedings of Norma, 5, 97-110.

North, M. P. (2015). The basis of legitimisation of mathematical literacy in South Africa. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal.] https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=3af0727dc313b9b091d55c3c228a4b2ad314edb9 External link.(3 pages)

Elective literature will be informed on via Canvas.

The aim of the course is to provide the doctoral students with an overview of subject-specific research within their own disciplinary or field-related area of focus, an ability to relate their own dissertation project to the existing areas of research, and an understanding of the purpose behind and methods for conducting a systematic literature review within the related area of research.

Lectures and examination date:
The course starts on March 31 with one seminar/lecture every two weeks during weeks 14-22.

9 April, 10.15-15.00 o’clock

23 April, 09.00-15.00 o’clock

8 May, 10.15-15.00 o’clock

22 May, 10.15-15.00 o’clock

4 June, 10.15-15.00 o’clock

Apply to the course External link, opens in new window.(open Dec 18-Febr 2)

Number of participants: Unlimited

Course coordinator: Johannes Rytzler

Literature: Information on literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Language of instruction: Swedish, English if non-Swedish-speaking participants are in the course.

Course code: FOUK030

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Didactics and Educational THeory as a FIeld of Research II Pdf, 256 kB.

The objective of the course is to enhance PhD-students’ ability to critically assess and evaluate doctoral dissertations, and reflect on questions during or raised in relation to the public defences.

The course runs over several terms to enable attending public defences with a variety of foci, and relevance for the course participants.

Participation in at least five public defences and the related seminars to discuss and reflect on the dissertation and the defence is mandatory.

Information about upcoming public defences is continually updated on Canvas. In order to meet the requirements on variety and relevance, participants are offered to attend seminars together with PhD-students from other universities in the vicinity.

Participants must be prepared to travel to other universities to attend public defences in person.

Individual dates for examinations will be decided in agreement with the participants.

Literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Course coordinator: Nina Klang

Language of instruction: Swedish. If necessary, seminars will be in English.

Enrollment: Enroll to the course by sending an e-mail to research administrator petra.coolen.larsson@mdu.se

Course Code: FOUK028

Course syllabus: Course syllabus for Dissertation defence course Pdf, 258 kB.


For information regarding courses at third-cycle level in the third-cycle subject Electronics, please contact the Director of doctoral education Federico Ciccozzi.

Energy and Enviromental Engineering

The course is offered to students who are in the initial stages of their PhD. The course involves two assignments and one individual project. Active participation in the course lectures and submitting “exit tickets” one of the assignments. Further details on the second assignment and project will be given throughout the course.

The course introduces theories and methods relevant to research and development in the engineering sciences. A further aim is to encourage reflection and constructive critical discussion of current research, research methods and their theoretical background.

Course coordinator: Amir Vadiee

Lectures are in hybrid form: You can attend in person or via link.

Dates for seminars/workshops preliminary defined as:
Fredag 6 december 9:00-16:00
Fredag 13 december 9:00-16:00
Fredag 17 januari 9:00-16:00
Torsdag 23 januari 9:00-12:00 (preliminary datum)

Examination date: Monday 10 February 2025 (re-examination date will be decided later and announced during the course).

Enrollment: https://mdh.mira.se/Events/2553/Apply External link.

Literature: Information on literature will be given on Canvas at course start.

Number of participants: 25

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOES025

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Research Methodology Pdf, 273 kB.

Course coordinator: Sasan Sadrizadeh

Start date: 2024-09-02

Language: English

Enrolment: Please contact, Sasan Sadrizadeh

Course code: FOES022

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Research planning Pdf, 239 kB.

The course is cancelled

Course coordinator: Valentin Scheiff

Course start: 2024-09-16

Language: English

Enrolment: Please contact, valentin.scheiff@mdu.se

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Experimental measurment techniques Pdf, 279 kB.

The purpose of the course is that the doctoral students get involved and gain experience in leading research applications to Horizon Europe.

Course code: FOID009

Study pace: 25%

Place of study: Västerås (physical presence)

Study period: March-June 2025

Enrollement: via email to gunnar.widforss@mdu.se. Attach proof of licentiate degree. By February 18 at the latest.

Course coordinator: Gunnar Widforss

Examiner: Konstantinos Kyprianidis


Lectures on Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications for collaborative, industry-research applications.

Training to acquire skills for and experience of Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications. To get the PhD students to coordinate and lead an application, involve companies and researchers. To write an application that can be submitted to the course. Create an account on the portal, how to find a topic (Topic) through the "seek funding" function, reflect on how to create a consortium, actually do this, and in writing: how to meet the Section 1 criteria and SMART objectives, How to formulate outcomes and wider impact - vs results, how to write so that the evaluator can follow the thread in each direction, how to formulate work packages, familiarizing with the WBS.

Teaching and training:

Given by merited project managers.

Syllabus Pdf, 244 kB.

Health and Welfare

The courses are connected to the following research topics:

  • Working Life Studies
  • Public Health Science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Social Work
  • Care Science

The course objective is that students will understand and apply various perspectives, theories and concepts within health and welfare, relate to its complexity, as well as clarify their own knowledge contribution in relation to health and welfare.

Course coordinator: Jonas Stier

Course date: 2025-08-11--2026-06-16

Enrolment: Deadline 3 June.

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Number of participants: maximum 10

Place of study: Digital with campus-based seminars. Campus location Eskilstuna and Västerås.

Language: English

Course code: FHVV020

Reading list: Will be provided before the course starts.

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Health and Welfare - Research and Utilisation Pdf, 171 kB.


The objective for the course is for the student to acquire knowledge of some of the theories and methodological approaches used to study the relationship between humans and other animals within the frame of the research field of human-animal studies.

Course coordinator: David Redmalm

Course date: 2025-09-01--2026-01-18

Enrolment: Deadline 13 June

Please contact david.redmalm@mdu.se

Study pace: 25%

Number of participants: maximum 40

Place of study: Online

Language: English

Course code: FHVV031

Reading list: Will be provided before the course starts.

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Animals in Society Pdf, 209 kB.

The objective of the course is that doctoral students acquire additional in-depth knowledge about theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of person-centred and recovery-oriented care and their application in research and practice.

Course coordinator: Martina Summer Meranius

Course date: 2025-09-01--2025-11-09

Enrolment: Deadline 15 August
Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 50%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study and teaching formats: The course comprises a blended learning approach, with both digital and campus- based teaching (campus Västerås).

Language: English

Course code: FHVV033

Reading list: will be communicated before the course starts.

Other: Subject to availability, the course is open for applications from teachers with a PhD.

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Person-centredness and recovery-orientation in caring and research about caring Pdf, 222 kB.

The objective is for the doctoral students to develop a broad and in-depth theoretical and methodological understanding of work life studies, including its history, contextual dependencies and interdisciplinarity and apply this knowledge to their PhD project.

Contact person: Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz

Course date: 2025-09-01--2026-03-06

Enrolment: Deadline 15 August

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 25%

Number of participants: maximum 15

Place of study: Hybrid (campus Västerås)

Language: English

Course code: FHVV036

Reading list: Will be communicated later

Syllabus Pdf, 219 kB.

This course provides doctoral students with a deep understanding of how digital health technologies (DHTs) interact with diverse users and contextual factors within the healthcare ecosystem, influencing health outcomes.

Students will explore key concepts and principles of DHTs, addressing the challenges and opportunities they present within health systems.

The course covers methodologies for generating Real-World Evidence (RWE) to assess the value and effectiveness of DHTs, as well as international regulatory and legal frameworks.

Ethical considerations surrounding big health data, guided by the WHO guidelines, will be discussed, with particular attention to the global digital equity gap and its relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Course leader: Professor Sarah Wamala Andersson

Course date: 2025-10-01--2025-10-28

Enrolment: Deadline 3 september

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 50%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study: Online only

Language: English

Course code: FHVV037

Reading list: A reading list and further course details will be available in June.

Course syllabus Pdf, 235 kB.

To deepen knowledge about theories and frameworks for sustainable health related behavior change and to analyse interventions for these behavior changes.

Contact person: Petra von Heideken Wågert

Course date: 2026-01-12--2026-02-08

Enrolment: Deadline 10 December

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Study pace: 50%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study: Västerås and digitally

Language: English

Course code: FHVV034

Reading list: Will be communicated in autumn 2025

Course syllabus Pdf, 218 kB.

To deepen and develop knowledge about behavior change techniques and mechanisms of action for sustainable health related behavior change of relevance for the PhD student’s research field and thesis.

Contact person: Petra von Heideken Wågert

Course date: 2026-08-10-- 2026-09-20

Enrolment: Deadline 19 June 2026

Please contact HVVforskarutbildning@mdu.se

Stude pace: 50%

Number of participants: maximum 20

Place of study: Digital and campus- based teaching (campus Västerås)

Language: English

Course code: FHVV035

Readling list: Will be communicated in autumn 2025

Course syllabus Pdf, 240 kB.

Industrial Systems

The purpose of the course is that the doctoral students get involved and gain experience in leading research applications to Horizon Europe.

Course code: FOID009

Study pace: 25%

Place of study: Västerås (physical presence)

Study period: March-June 2025

Enrollement: via email to gunnar.widforss@mdu.se. Attach proof of licentiate degree. By February 18 at the latest.

Course coordinator: Gunnar Widforss

Examiner: Konstantinos Kyprianidis


Lectures on Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications for collaborative, industry-research applications.

Training to acquire skills for and experience of Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications. To get the PhD students to coordinate and lead an application, involve companies and researchers. To write an application that can be submitted to the course. Create an account on the portal, how to find a topic (Topic) through the "seek funding" function, reflect on how to create a consortium, actually do this, and in writing: how to meet the Section 1 criteria and SMART objectives, How to formulate outcomes and wider impact - vs results, how to write so that the evaluator can follow the thread in each direction, how to formulate work packages, familiarizing with the WBS.

Teaching and training:

Given by merited project managers.

Syllabus Pdf, 244 kB.

The aim of the course is to give the doctoral student an introduction to and understanding of the research area Industrial Systems. Furthermore, the course includes an in-depth study where the doctoral student can relate his/her own research to the research area.

Course coordninator: Please contact Kristian Sandström, head of subject, if you have any questions.

Study period: To be announced

Enrolment: Not open

Language: Swedish or English.

Course code: FOID006

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Industrial Systems Pdf, 180 kB.

Industrial Economics and Organisation

The overall purpose is to provide PhD candidates with the opportunity to develop their knowledge of research in the subject(s) Industrial Economics and Organization and/or Business Administration and about how research is developed through seminar work. The goal is that upon completing the course, the PhD candidates will have broadened their insights about research in Industrial Economics and Organization and/or Business Administration and practiced independent critical review and assessment of new and complex issues. Furthermore, the PhD candidate must have shown the ability to give and receive constructive criticism.

Course coordinators:

Study period: flexibel

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Higher seminar Pdf, 78 kB.

Course content for FOES007

Course coordinator: Terene Fell

Enrollment: Only for doctoral students from the research school Future Proof Cities. Please contact the course coordinator by mail.

Literature: Literature will be available on Canvas at course start.

Language of instruction: English

Innovation and Design

The course aims to provide an understanding of relevant theories in Innovation and Design as well as an understanding of how to describe and analyze a practical project in harmony with these. One focus is on collaboration and how joint knowledge development between different actors in a research project, in collaboration, can be carried out.

Course coordninator: Please contact Yvonne Eriksson, head of subject, if you have any questions.

Study period: To be announced

Enrolment: Not open

Language: Swedish or English if needed.

Course code: FOID002

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Introduction to Innovation and design Pdf, 240 kB.

The purpose of the course is that the doctoral students get involved and gain experience in leading research applications to Horizon Europe.

Course code: FOID009

Study pace: 25%

Place of study: Västerås (physical presence)

Study period: March-June 2025

Enrollement: via email to gunnar.widforss@mdu.se. Attach proof of licentiate degree. By February 18 at the latest.

Course coordinator: Gunnar Widforss

Examiner: Konstantinos Kyprianidis


Lectures on Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications for collaborative, industry-research applications.

Training to acquire skills for and experience of Horizon Europe and method for coordinating and writing applications. To get the PhD students to coordinate and lead an application, involve companies and researchers. To write an application that can be submitted to the course. Create an account on the portal, how to find a topic (Topic) through the "seek funding" function, reflect on how to create a consortium, actually do this, and in writing: how to meet the Section 1 criteria and SMART objectives, How to formulate outcomes and wider impact - vs results, how to write so that the evaluator can follow the thread in each direction, how to formulate work packages, familiarizing with the WBS.

Teaching and training:

Given by merited project managers.

Syllabus Pdf, 244 kB.

Mathematics/Applied Mathematics

Enumerative combinatorics – the art of counting – is a beautiful subject with many applications. Once considered to be a bunch of seemingly unrelated methods, nowadays the subject has a mature theory, the most fundamental parts of which belong to the toolbox of any research mathematician. In this course, the student will be introduced to this theory and learn to master it well enough to be able to solve related problems that may arise in a research context and to communicate about it with mathematical peers.

Course coordinator: Jonas Sjöstrand

Enrolment: Register here External link.

Lectures + examination date:

  • Lectures in Västerås every Monday from Sep 9 to Oct 21 at 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Deadline for written assignment: Oct 31, 2024
  • Zoom lectures every Thursday from Sep 12 to Oct 24 at 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm


  • Richard Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, volume 1, second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Jonas Sjöstrand, Generating functions, freely available to course participants as a PDF file.

Number of participants: 30 (check syllabus for selection criteria)

Language of instruction: English

Course code: FOUK024

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Enumerative Cominatorics Pdf, 190 kB.

Course information in Swedish

The course aims to equip doctoral candidates with an understanding of the theory and methods in mathematical analysis, with a specific emphasis on linear partial differential equations. In particular linear elliptic and evolution equations will be studied using Sobolev spaces using a functional analytic approach.

Course coordinator: Linus Carlsson

Enrollment: Register here External link.

Lectures + examination date:

  • Start 16 August, 09:00-12:00. Thereafter, dates are decided within the group of active participants.
  • All lectures will take place on campus in Västerås. No lectures via link.
  • Examination: Date decided with participants.


  • Partial Differential Equations: Second Edition
    Lawrence C. Evans: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. ISBN: 9781470469429

Number of participants: Unlimited number of participants.

Language of instruction: English with non-Swedish speaking participants, otherwise Swedish.

Course code: FOUK029

Course syllabus: Course syllabus Partial differential equations II Pdf, 232 kB.

Course information in Swedish

Course objective: The course aims to equip doctoral students with an understanding of the theory and methods in mathematical analysis, with a specific emphasis on functional analysis and its application areas.

Course coordinator: Bartosz Malman.

The course starts on Thursday January the 16th from 13.15-16.00 (place TBA). Subsequent seminars will be planned with the participants. In total there will be 8 seminars.

Examination: As part of the examination, parts of the theory or associated problems must be presented during lessons. Home exam and associated oral exam with dates according to the student's wishes.


  • Functional Analysis, Peter D. Lax, ISBN: 9780471556046.
  • Introduction to functional analysis, Reinhold Meise and Dietmar Vogt, ISBN: 9780198514855.
  • Self-produced lecture notes.

Language of instruction: English.

Course Code: FOUK025

Enrollment: Register for the course External link..

Course syllabus: Course syllabus for Functional Analysis Pdf, 242 kB.

Literature will be announced at course start.

Course objective: The objective of the course is to give doctoral students an introduction to mathematical problems and methods that are relevant for research directed towards various societal challenges, and to prepare them for being able to participate in such research.

There will be eight lectures on various relevant topics given by researchers at different institutions in Sweden: MDU, UmU, UU, SU, KTH, LiU, Chalmers, and IFFS. The examination consists of group work in which students develop ideas for research based on the lectures and a final seminar in which the groups present their best ideas to each other.

Lectures on Wednesdays 10-12 o’clock:

  • April 2
  • April 9
  • April 23
  • April 30
  • May 7
  • May 14
  • May 21
  • May 28

Presentation of the group assignment: June 4.

It will be possible to take the course remotely. PhD students anywhere in Sweden are welcome.

Course coordinator: Kimmo Eriksson.

Language of instruction: English.

Course Code: FOUK026

Enrollment: Register for the course External link..

Course syllabus: Course syllabus för Mathematics for Societal Challanges Pdf, 172 kB.

Literature will be announced at course start.