
Doctoral Student Council

At Mälardalen University's Student Union there is a Doctoral Student Council. The goal of the Doctoral Student Council is for all doctoral students at Mälardalen University to be aware of their rights and obligations.

What does the Doctoral Student Council do?

The Doctoral Student Council is the voice of doctoral students at the University. The Doctoral Student Council consists of representatives from each School and is responsible for student influence in doctoral education.

Representatives in the Doctoral Student Council ensure that there are representatives from the doctoral student community in the central decision-making bodies at the University, such as the Board of the University, the Faculty Board and the Faculty Board's committees. Doctoral student representatives are also members of the central research council, the work environment committee and the School´s local research councils, management councils and supervisor committees.

Through our work, we have for instance influenced how the requirements for supervision have been written in the Rules and regulations for third-cycle studies, the design of information for us doctoral students, both on the internal portal and here on the website. The Chair of the Doctoral Student Council meets with the central coordinator of doctoral education on a regular basis. We are also involved in the development of questions for the doctoral student survey.

Who is on the Doctoral Student Council?

The council comprises a Chair and doctoral student council representatives from the Schools.

How can I get involved in the Doctoral Student Council?

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Doctoral Student Council or would like to know more about how you can exert influence over your education, you are more than welcome to contact one of our members or email the Chair.

List of members in the Doctoral Student Council