
AI and Machine Learning

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are courses that are open for everyone.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are courses that are open for everyone.

On this page you will find all our MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) related to AI, Software Development and Smart Production.


MOOCs are courses that are open to everyone, regardless of background or professional occupation. They do not require any prior knowledge and you can start and complete them whenever you want. The courses are given online and are completely free of charge. The course language is often English.

You can not include a MOOC in your degree or get university credits for it.

We offer two MOOCs, possible to take whenever you want without any need for course application.

AI Class

AI Class sets out to improve general knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). The aim is to increase understanding of how these techniques can be used to improve the use of large amounts of data. The education modules have been developed by researchers at Mälardalen University and RISE SICS Västerås, in cooperation with BillerudKorsnäs and PulpEye.

You can find the MOOC here. External link, opens in new window.

We estimate that it will take an average student 20-30 hours to take the AI Class MOOC.

Basic Knowledge on Machine Learning

This online MOOC course introduces you to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. Additional to this, it will give you basic knowledge in Big Data, Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, and the programming language Python.

In addition to giving you this knowledge, successful completion of the course will make you eligible for these academic online courses at MDU:

If you pass the final test of the Basic Knowledge on Machine Learning MOOC course you can apply for the above academic courses at MDU without providing any other proof of eligibility than the certificate from the MOOC course.

Please note that you are not guaranteed to be admitted to the above academic courses since the number of students in the courses is limited. Successful completion of the MOOC course will not make you eligible for any other course.

You can find the MOOC here External link.

We estimate that it will take an average student 50-60 hours to take the Basic Knowledge on Machine Learning MOOC.


For more information, please email lifelonglearning@mdu.se