“A dream come true”
Marielle Gallardo started studying for a B.Sc. in Network Engineering and went on to do a Master’s programme in Intelligent Embedded Systems. Today she has a dream job as a System Developer at Volvo Autonomous Solutions.
– To be working with programming, software development and AI is a dream come true, so I’m very happy that my studies have led me here, says Marielle Gallardo.
It was through her degree project at the Master’s programme in Intelligent Embedded Systems that Marielle Gallardo got a foot in at Volvo Construction Equipment (CE). After graduating in 2019 she obtained a full-time post there and since January 2020 Marielle Gallardo has been working as a system developer within the Volvo concern, with a focus on efficient and environmental friendly autonomous transport solutions. This means that she is working on designing and developing intelligent computer systems. A lot of systems are real-time systems, requiring that the computer communication is efficient and reliable.
– I have very varied work duties today. It’s only my own creativity that can sets the limits. No one day is like the other so I look forward to every new working day, says Marielle.
After taking her B.Sc. degree in Network Engineering she wanted to deepen her knowledge of programming and embedded systems, which led her to continue her studies at MDU's international Master’s programme in Intelligent Embedded Systems.
– Reading a programme in English with students from different countries and with different backgrounds meant that I developed on several levels. It also equipped me for the work at an international company, which is what I have today, says Marielle Gallardo.
Contact with the private sector valuable
During her Master’s programme she already came into contact with both research and the private sector. Several projects that the students carried out during their education were part of ongoing research projects conducted by researchers at MDU and different companies in that line of industry. Marielle Gallardo and her fellow students were able for example to be involved in developing an autonomous and self-balancing bicycle, as well as an autonomous waste collection robot.
– Being involved in such projects was very valuable, partly because we were able to test real-life projects, which gave an insight into working life, and partly because we got a big network of contacts for working life, she says.
Find good role models
Another thing that Marielle took with her from her time studying is the importance of having good role models. Several of the teachers had a big influence on Marielle, and one of the role models who has meant a lot to her she had met on MDU's mentor programme. This is a programme where a student is brought together with a mentor from working life, who can give concrete tips and advice on how to think and act ahead of the step out into the labour market.
– Good role models make you inspired to carry on developing, so a good tip is to find good role models that enable you to move forwards. I my line of business, technology is developing all the time, so therefore it’s important to keep yourself updated and learn new things, says Marielle.
Master i intelligenta inbyggda system
Idag styrs nästan alla produkter i vår vardag av inbyggda datorer, som blir allt mer intelligenta för att tillmötesgå användarnas behov. Dessa system tillhör framtiden och här lär du dig designa dem.
Högskoleingenjör i nätverksteknik
Idag är det en självklarhet att vi alltid ska kunna vara uppkopplade mot internet oavsett var vi befinner oss eller jobbar med. Därför är behovet av utbildade ingenjörer inom datakommunikation stort inom nästan alla branscher.