
Before you leave your exchange studies at MDU

We hope that you have enjoyed your stay and studies at Mälardalen University, made a lot of friends and that adapting to the Swedish Academic System has not been too difficult.

Before you are leaving you need to attend to the following:

Through the Student Portal, under “My certificates" you can create certificates regarding your studies. A verifiable certificate means that the holder of your certificate can verify it at Mälardalen University. We provide a page where the holder can input your social security number and a control code visible on the certificate. If a certificate with that control code is found with us then the holder will be able to compare it with the document you brought.

  1. Check the Student Portal, make sure all your grades has been reported. Otherwise contact the school you belong to.
  2. If all grades have been reported, print the verifiable certificate
  3. Your university can verify the certificate and see that it is an official document at the following webpage: https://www.student.ladok.se/verifiera/ External link.

If you wish to have an official stamp on the transcript/certificate please turn to the Student Centre and they will help you.

The school you belong to is responsible for registering all the grades and exams. This is normally done within four to six weeks after an exam. This means that you can download and print your Transcript of Records/certificate in about four to six weeks after the last exam.