Welcome to the seminar
series Industry 4.0
Learn more about Industry 4.0 in our recorded seminars. Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, is a collective concept for a range of technologies in automation, processing industrial IT and manufacturing.
The seminars are based on current applied research that has been conducted in cooperation with leading manufacturing companies and include presentations of the latest research results.
All the seminars are in English.
Previous seminars
2 December 2022
Private 5G networks and Smart Manufacturing
Speaker: Sebastian Elmgren, Head of Business Development Dedicated Networks, Ericsson
The increased need for a flexible data driven production requires a secure, stable and flexible connectivity infrastructure.
Ericsson is now rolling out private 5G networks on a globally to industrial players in order provide them with a wireless infrastructure that can fulfill the needs for the industrial digitalization.
This is not something done in isolation. We are also building an ecosystem around 5G in our partner program in order to unlock the value of 5G.
This seminar describes how Ericsson is making 5G accessible for industries and gives examples on how companies are using the technology to create value around the world.
14 October 2022
Metrology – an enabler for smart and efficient production
Speaker: Per-Ola Eriksson, Projects Manager, Manufacturing Intelligence division, Hexagon
In this webinar, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence will share Hexagon’s concept of combining Design – Production - Metrology and how our unique Smart Factory Solutions can help manufacturers to enhance and strengthen processes, thus achieving higher efficiency, productivity and quality with fewer resources and greater flexibility.
We will cover Hexagon’s Smart Factory Solutions with a focus on Automation and Closed feedback loops.
2 September 2022
Citizen Development at Volvo GTO
Host: Thomas Gustavsson, Volvo GTO
Traditionally application development was done by central functions. We in Volvo GTO wanted to tap into the creative powers of all our employees using low code Citizen Development. Improving our business through software support to the business, developed close to the business.
The seminar will contain our definition of Citizen Development. A look at the supporting tools we have created, including a high level look at how we support the business and the citizens with data.
20 May 2022
Strategies for smart production at Volvo CE
Host: Brunno Muller, head of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Research, Volvo CE
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is occurring at a speed that has never been seen before. It has the potential to change everything.
Volvo CE is embracing the change and putting the power for exploration and innovation directly in the hands of its employees with a vision of the future. We call it: Factory 4 Tomorrow (F4T) and it's an opportunity not only for digital transformation, but to build a future that we all want to live and work in.
This seminar describes how in Volvo CE the operations team are handling the industry 4.0 challenges, strategic fit and organization structure.
25 March 2022
Competence - the key to accelerate the implementation of Industry 4.0
Host: Pernilla Hanssen, Psiwisp AB
Competence development is more important than ever. It is a challenge to attract and retain talent within the field of sustainability, automation, digitalization and also other areas.
This seminar gives inspiration to why and how we need to work with competence development to be successful in the implementation of Industry 4.0 and 5.0.
4 February 2022
Cyber security for Industrial Control Systems based on IEC 62443
Host: Tomas Lindström, ABB
Cyber security is more important than ever for several essential industries and service in our society.
Owners and operators of practically all types of industries need to take appropriate security measures.
To enable them to do this, the suppliers need to provide products and systems with sufficient security capabilities.
This seminar describes a structured way to handle these challenging tasks, where the usage of the industrial standards, e.g. IEC 62443 provides good guidance.
All seminars
If you want any presentation in PDF-format, please contact mimi.axelsson@mdu.se
10 December 2021
Smart Maintenance Technologies for the Manufacturing Industry
Industry 4.0 has resulted in several new technologies: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Big Data and Analytics, Horizontal and Vertical System Integration, Simulation, Cloud Computing, Augmented Reality (AR), Autonomous Robots, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Cyber Security, etc.
This seminar is about how Industry 4.0 technologies can improve maintenance in the manufacturing industry.
Teacher: San Giliyana
26 November 2021
Early adoption of augmented reality in industry - Where it will create value and why
Augmented Reality is a new and interesting technology that has yet to have a massive market impact.
In this seminar we find out what the current shortcomings and opportunities are with this technology. We also look at what a current day implementation could look like in a factory setting and what immediate value this technology could bring to the manufacturing industry.
With: Erik Andersen and Elin Mellberg
October 15, 2021
Big Data - big opportunities and big challenges
We are living in the era of the fourth industrial revolution and big data is one enabling technology of this revolution. Having proper data, along with appropriate processing algorithms and high-performance computing units, offers big opportunities to understand and act in time. However, applying this paradigm in real industrial applications also comprises big challenges.
In this seminar, we will present opportunities for big data and discuss the related challenges.
With: Anas Fattouh
September 10, 2021
Optimization of Production Systems in Industry 4.0
Advance your skills in simulation and optimization through this seminar “Optimization of Production Systems in Industry 4.0” !
In the seminar, you will explore the intricacies of optimization problems and applied on production systems. You will also gain a practical insight through demonstration of state-of-the-art optimization software on a “real-world” production line case. At the end of the seminar you will be confident to step into the world of Optimization for your own production systems!
June 4, 2021
Digital twin for smart manufacturing
This seminar will present the concept of digital twin (DT) and its opportunities for the manufacturing industry.
We will focus on using DT on the shop floor for realizing smart manufacturing. We will also present the main components of DT, the models, and the process with a conceptual implementation example.
Finally, we will discuss the main challenges and obstacles in realizing DTs.
May 7, 2021
Supporting implementation of Robots in collaborative application
This seminar will address the challenges and success factors when implementing robots in collaborative applications into assembly operations.
We will focus on companies' collaborative application journey by looking into their challenges and successes. We will dive into the implementation phase and discuss what to do and what to avoid.
April 16, 2021
How to increase performance by focusing on the utilization of shared demand-related information
In many industries, companies share large amounts of information with their suppliers. In this seminar, we will discuss what happens with the shared information after it reaches the suppliers. Results from a survey will be presented, showing how and why suppliers in the automotive industry utilize shared information as they do, as well as how it affects their performance. We will discuss why this insight is important, both for buyers and suppliers, also in other industries.
Februari 19, 2021
A strategic view on the development and use of automation
This seminar addresses things to consider when developing and using automation in a production environment.
During the seminar we will specifically look into important steps and aspects to focus on during the automation development process.
We will also highlight the need for and discuss possible content of an automation strategy.
January 22, 2021
(Back to) The Future with Digital Twins and Low Code Development
In this seminar, we discuss the new paradigms of Digital Twins and Low Code Development. In particular, we look at the foundational concepts supporting both paradigms and reason on the potential impact these paradigms can have on Industry 4.0. Eventually, we survey some ongoing research projects at MDU and discuss possible ones related to Digital Twins and Low Code Development.
December 4, 2020
Introducing Augmented Reality into Industry 4.0 Environments: Approaches, Benefits, and Obstacles
In this seminar we will discuss the methods for deploying augmented reality into industry 4.0 environments, the value it brings and the obstacles that should be considered in the process. We will focus on the upgrading of production processes, lean and agile production practices, and safety concerns.
November 27, 2020
A pragmatic and democratic way to utilize IoT in production
In this seminar, a Vinnova founded research project called “Karakuri IoT” will be presented and discussed. Karakuri IoT is a methodology that empowers non-experts of IoT to design, create, and implement simple IoT-aided solutions at shop floors through iterative experimentation and learning.
Participants will experience a part of the methodology during the seminar.
October 23, 2020
Robots in collaborative applications
A new paradigm of so-called collaborative robots (sometimes referred to as cobots) are currently being developed and utilised within manufacturing industries.
This seminar will address this development and discuss the nature of robots used together with humans in collaborative tasks, and how this can be of use to manufacturing industries.
September 11, 2020
Industrialization: multiple perspectives and the role of digitalization
The compressing time schedules and development costs are forcing companies to improve the performance of industrialization of new product and production technologies.
In this seminar, we will discuss the multiple perspectives of industrialization from management of project, product, production and knowledge.
The seminar will also address the potential opportunities with digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies and presents recent study results on “Digitally-enabled process innovation”.
August 28, 2020
Optimization of Production Systems
Advance your skills in simulation and optimization through this seminar. In the seminar, you will explore the intricacies of optimization problems applied on production systems. You will also gain a practical insight through demonstration of state-of-the-art optimization software on a “real-world” production line case.
At the end of the seminar you will be confident to step into the world of optimization for your own production systems.
August 21, 2020
Additive Manufacturing – The MDU way
This seminar will present an introduction to the emerging technology called Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, which is a key aspect in Industry 4.0.
Production systems, supply chains, business models, and many more aspects are being transformed and reimagined due to the potential that AM possess.
The seminar will also present some AM related activities/projects at Mälardalen university as well as exploring the current challenges, limitations and opportunities with AM from different research perspectives.
August 14, 2020
The value of maintenance – Requirements and needs
There is this famous quote of a manager at one of Sweden’s most high-profile companies: “Why do our maintenance cost so much even though our machines never fail?”
Economists tend to view maintenance as a troublesome expense, while maintenance managers argue that maintenance is a profit center.
In this seminar we discuss the value of maintenance and to which extent maintenance adds value.
July 3, 2020
Simulation for evaluation and improvement of production systems
The seminar will discuss the use of simulation as a tool for process improvement.
It will cover key concepts such as model validation and the determination of the tests that need to be conducted in order to maximize the information obtained from the simulation model. Special focus will be given on the knowledge required to build and validate a model, through simple practical examples.
June 12, 2020
Introduction to industrial cybersecurity
This seminar addresses the fundamental concepts of cybersecurity providing basic definitions and a taxonomic introduction to most common security threats and technologies.
In particular, the concepts of data availability, integrity and confidentiality will be introduced with pointers to information systems certification standards and regulations in the context of cyber-physical systems and connected industry.
The seminar provides a brief overview of cybersecurity-related topics such as dependable computing, threat classification, redundancy and fault-tolerance, physical security monitoring, data encryption, user identification, risk and vulnerability assessment, intrusion detection and penetration testing.
June 6, 2020
AR and VR for Industry 4.0: From Development to Maintenance
Extended reality technologies such as augmented or virtual reality have become mature enough to be integrated into the product lifecycle, from product conceptualization, through design and production until marketing and sales.
In this seminar, we will introduce the most common forms of these technologies, how they integrate with the product lifecycle, and what are some of the potential future developments in these technologies.
May 29, 2020
Artificial Intelligence — A driving force in Industrial 4.0
The fourth Industrial revolution is described through many technological advancements such as IoT, sensors, cyber-physical systems, human-machine interaction, etc. to name a few.
Recent years these technologies have emerged by incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI), and a paradigm shift has become visible, not only in the industrial sector but also in our daily life and many business areas.
This seminar will provide a background on AI and machine learning for the general audience.
The current trends in AI and machine learning will be discussed with some use cases. Last but not least challenges and future opportunity in industry 4.0 will be mentioned.
May 15, 2020
Industrial Internet of Things and the Opportunities in Manufacturing
In this seminar, we first discuss the basic concepts and definitions of IoT and Industrial IoT.
Then we see how these technologies can be helpful in manufacturing and look at some opportunities in utilization of the technologies.
We will see some examples as well.