Course syllabus - Urban governance
7.5 credits
Course code
Valid from
Autumn semester 2023
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1N (Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
School of Business, Society and Engineering
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp
Malmö : Égalité bokförlag, [2023] - 573 sidor
ISBN: 9789198610949 LIBRIS-ID: m37wc4zlkqtz12hk
The role of public-private partnerships in housing as a potential contributor to sustainable cities and communities : A systematic review
MDPI, 2021
URL: Link
Från nuläge till önskvärt läge : En förstudie om Enköpings kommuns arbete med social hållbarhet
Mälardalens universitet, 2023 - 54
URL: Link
Gentrification and Social Mixing: Towards and Inclusive Urban Renaissance?
Urban Studies 45:12, 2449-2470, 2008
URL: Link
Segregation, gentrification, and residualisation: from public housing to market-driven housing allocation in inner city Stockholm
International Journal of Housing Policy 14:1, 3-29, 2014
URL: Link
Revisiting the urban frontier through the case of New Kvillebäcken, Gothenburg
City 20:5, 663-684, 2016
URL: Link
Banlieues, the Hyperghetto and Advanced Marginality: A Symposium on Loïc Wacquants Urban Outcasts
City 12:1, 107-114, 2008
URL: Link
Ghettos and anti-ghettos - An anatomy of the new urban poverty
Thesis Eleven, Number 94, 113-118, 2008
URL: Link
Urban Desolation and Symbolic Denigration in the Hyperghetto
Nouvelle Revue De Psychosociologie 12:2, 13-25, 2010
URL: Link
Territorial Stigmatization in Action
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45:6, 1270-1280, 2014
URL: Link
Practices of Urban Environmental Citizenships: Rights to the City and Rights to Nature in Toronto
Citizenship Studies 7:3, 2003
URL: Link
Using citizen science to understand the prerequisites for physical activity among adolescents in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods - The NESLA study
Health & Place 65, 102387, 2020
URL: Link
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail