Course syllabus - Thesis in Health and Welfare Technology, master
15 credits
Course code
Valid from
Spring semester 2024
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A2E (Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)).
Main area(s)
Health and Social Welfare Technology
School of Health, Care and Social Welfare
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Reference Literature
Reflexive methodology : new vistas for qualitative research
Third edition : Los Angeles : Sage, 2018 - xii, 437 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4739-6424-2 LIBRIS-ID: 21974933
Tolkning och reflektion : vetenskapsfilosofi och kvalitativ metod
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2017] - 508 sidor
ISBN: 9789144111131 LIBRIS-ID: 20800411
Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches
4th ed. : Los Angeles : Sage Publications, [2017] - xxv, 459 pages
ISBN: 978-1-5063-6117-8 LIBRIS-ID: 20024195
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches
5. rev. ed., international student edition : SAGE, 2018 - s.
ISBN: 978-1-5063-8676-8 LIBRIS-ID: 22384547
Statistik för hälsovetenskaperna
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2019] - 279 sidor
ISBN: 9789144122694 LIBRIS-ID: 8jv80nr76h70c6m3
Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics
5. ed. : London : Sage Publications, [2018] - xxix, 1070 sidor
ISBN: 9781526419521 LIBRIS-ID: 21986061
URL: Companion website
Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård
Tredje upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2017] - 262 sidor
ISBN: 978-91-44-11863-5 LIBRIS-ID: 21385235
Den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun
3. [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 412 s.
ISBN: 9789144101675 LIBRIS-ID: 16763239
Other materials
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