Course syllabus - Political Science 61-90
30 credits
Course code
Valid from
Spring semester 2019
Education level
First cycle
Progressive Specialisation
G2E (First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bache...).
Main area(s)
Political Science
School of Business, Society and Engineering
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community in Miami Theory Collective (ed.) Community at loose ends
., 1992
Deliberative democracy or agonistic pluralism?
Prospects for democracy, 66:3, 1999
Residential segregation and differentiated citizenship
Citizenship Studies, 3:2, 1999
Practices of Urban Environmental Citizenships: Rights to the City and Rights to Nature in Toronto
Citizenship Studies 7:3, 2003
URL: Link
Citizen in action: Citizenship and community development in a Northern Ireland context
Community Development Journal, 33:3, 1998
Inclusive Citizenship: Realizing the Potential, 1
Citizenship Studies 11:1, 2007
Expanding our understanding of stigmatized places by visualizing inclusive citizenship: The cases of Fröslunda and Skiftinge in Eskilstuna, Sweden
Presented at Migration workshop, Swepsa in Norrköping 4th October 2019., 2019
The rise of online counterpublics? : the limits of inclusion in a digital age
Uppsala : Department of Government, 2019 - 245 sidor
ISBN: 9789150627787 LIBRIS-ID: 8kt6dvvw6dz5g59b
URL: Link
Jämställdhet - för männens, arbetarklassens och effektivitetens skull? En diskursiv policystudie av jämställdhetsarbete i maskulina miljöer
Stockholm: Stockholms universitet., 2012
Democratization : a critical introduction
2nd edition : 2013 - 386 p.
ISBN: 9780230220560 LIBRIS-ID: 14979852
Deepening democracy : institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance
London : Verso, 2003 - 310 s.
URL: Link
Vad bör staten göra?
SNS förlag, 2010
Metodpraktikan : konsten att studera samhälle, individ och marknad
Femte upplagan : Stockholm : Wolters Kluwer, 2017 - 424 sidor
ISBN: 9789139115151 LIBRIS-ID: 19842279
Textens mening och makt : metodbok i samhällsvetenskaplig text- och diskursanalys
Fjärde [omarbetade och aktualiserade] upplagan : Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2018] - 441 sidor
ISBN: 9789144117928 LIBRIS-ID: s1p6grjpq8cbczs2
Den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun
3. [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 412 s.
ISBN: 9789144101675 LIBRIS-ID: 16763239
Tillämpad statistik : en grundkurs
2. uppl. : Stockholm : Sanoma utbildning, 2015 - 424 s.
ISBN: 9789152327821 LIBRIS-ID: 17986386
Uppsatshandbok : [hur du lyckas med din uppsats]
2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 138 s.
ISBN: 9789144074900 LIBRIS-ID: 13434328
Reference literature
Uppsatshandbok : [hur du lyckas med din uppsats]
2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2012 - 138 s.
ISBN: 9789144074900 LIBRIS-ID: 13434328
Metodpraktikan : konsten att studera samhälle, individ och marknad
Femte upplagan : Stockholm : Wolters Kluwer, 2017 - 424 sidor
ISBN: 9789139115151 LIBRIS-ID: 19842279
Artiklar enligt lärarens instruktioner. Artiklarna kommer finnas tillgängliga i Canvas.
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik,
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail