Course syllabus - Advanced and Strategic Management Control
7.5 credits
Course code
Valid from
Autumn semester 2017
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1F (Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
Business Administration
School of Business, Society and Engineering
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Perspektiv på ekonomistyrning
1. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2013 - 347 s.
ISBN: 978-91-47-09694-7 LIBRIS-ID: 13620620
How new top managers use control systems as levers of strategic renewal
Strategic Management Journal, 1994
A conceptual development of Simons Levers of Control Framework
Management Accounting Research, 2012
The contingency theory of management accounting and control: 1980-2014
Management Accounting Research, 2016
Management control systems design within its organizational context: findings from contingency-based research and directions for the future
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2003
The development of controller task: explaining the nature of controllership and its changes
Journal of Management Control, 2011
What skills and attributes does an accounting graduate need? Evidence form student perceptions and employer expectations
Accounting & Finance, 2008
Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting
International Journal of Accounting Information System, 2017
Reference Literature
Management accounting and control systems : an organizational and sociological approach
2. ed. : Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010 - 365 s.
ISBN: 9780470714478 (pbk.) LIBRIS-ID: 11752921
A time-space odyssey: management control systems in two multinational organisations
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2005
Alternative management accounting research - whence and whither
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2003
Performance management: a framework for management control systems research
Management Accounting Research, 1999
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail