Course syllabus - Learning Processes in Mathematics II
15 credits
Course code
Valid from
Spring semester 2016
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1F (Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
Didactics, Special Needs Education
School of Education, Culture and Communication
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Lärare som praktiker och forskare : om praxisnära forskning
Stockholm : Stiftelsen SAF i samverkan med Lärarförbundet, 2011 - 79 s.
ISBN: 9789197808859 LIBRIS-ID: 12105306
SAM-tal om bedömning och matematikkunnighet. En studie av lärares tankestilar
Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, 2013
Kognitiva och metakognitiva perspektiv på läsförståelse inom matematik
Linköping : Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet, 2006 - xiii, 229 s.
ISBN: 91-85643-45-9 LIBRIS-ID: 10270236
URL: Sammanfattning och fulltext från Linköping University Electronic Press
När siffrorna skapar kaos : matematiksvårigheter ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv
1. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber, 2011 - 239 s.
ISBN: 978-91-47-10002-6 LIBRIS-ID: 12239798
Arbete med extra anpassningar, särskilt stöd och åtgärdsprogram
Stockholm : Skolverket, 2014 - 78 s.
ISBN: 9789175591162 LIBRIS-ID: 16882819
Hållpunkter för lärande : småbarns möten med matematik
Åbo : Åbo Akademis förlag, 2007 - 195 s.
ISBN: 9789517653589 LIBRIS-ID: 10439386
URL: Link
Finnish teacher guides in mathematics : resources for primary school teachers in designing teaching
Västerås : School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University, 2014 - 109 s.
ISBN: 9789174851588 LIBRIS-ID: 16837167
URL: Link
Didaktiska kontrakt i förskolepraktik : förskollärares transformering av matematiska mål i ett läroplansdidaktiskt perspektiv
Malmö : Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle, Malmö högskola, 2013 - 178 s.
ISBN: 9789171045171 LIBRIS-ID: 14845266
URL: Online
Orchestrating mathematical whole-class discussions in the problem-solving classroom : Theorizing challenges and support for teachers
Västerås : Mälardalen University, 2015
ISBN: 9789174852424 LIBRIS-ID: 18590541
URL: Link
Vad vet vi om hur matematiklärare arbetar för att utveckla elevers matematikkunskaper?
Göteborg och Umeå : NCM, Göteborgs universitet och UFM, Umeå universitet, 2010 - 59 s. (PDF)
URL: Link
Delrapport från skolforsk-projektet Kartläggning av forskning om formativ bedömning, klassrumsundervisning och läromedel i matematik
Vetenskapsrådet, 2015
Meeting the needs of all students: How student teachers identify individualization
Education, Reasearch and Perspectives, Vol. 39., 2012
Formative assessment: a critical review, Assessment in Education
Principles, Policy & Practice, 18:1, 2011
Teaching Children How to Use Language to Solve Maths Problems
Language and Education, 20:6, 2006
Learning study som aktivitet i skolan och framgångsfaktorer i matematikundervisningen
Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation, 2013
Helping Students With Mathematical Disabilities to Succeed, eventing School Failur
Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 53:1, 2008
Describing levels and components of a math-talk learning community
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,
Exploring teacher talk during mathematics instruction in an inclusion classroom
The Journal of Educational Research,
Values in effective mathematics lessons in Sweden: what do they tell us?
Mathematics Enthusiast,
Kindergartens teachers´accounts of their developing mathematical practice
. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 2012
A Conceptual Approach to Teaching Mathematics to Students with Intellectual Disability
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
Other Materials
Tillkommer: debattartiklar, rapporter, styrdokument samt ca 500 s egen vald litteratur (ca beroende på val av texter)
Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation,
Eget val- utgår från den studerandes egen verksamhetsinriktning - en text väljs
Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation,
Tillkommer rapporter, artiklar enligt studiehandledningen
INL1, Exercise, 4.5 credits, marks Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
INL2, Exercise, 4.5 credits, marks Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
PRO1, Project, 4 credits, marks Fail (U) or Pass (G).
SEM1, Seminar, 2 credits, marks Fail (U) or Pass (G).
To obtain an overall grade of Pass with distinction (VG) the student must have achieved this grade on INL1 and INL2.
A student who has a certificate from MDU regarding a disability has the opportunity to submit a request for supportive measures during written examinations or other forms of examination, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Examinations at First-cycle and Second-cycle Level at Mälardalen University (2020/1655). It is the examiner who takes decisions on any supportive measures, based on what kind of certificate is issued, and in that case which measures are to be applied.
Suspicions of attempting to deceive in examinations (cheating) are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, and are examined by the University’s Disciplinary Board. If the Disciplinary Board considers the student to be guilty of a disciplinary offence, the Board will take a decision on disciplinary action, which will be a warning or suspension.
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail