Course syllabus - Physiotherapy: Specific Examination and Treatment
7.5 credits
Course code
Valid from
Spring semester 2015
Education level
First cycle
Progressive Specialisation
G2F (First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
School of Health, Care and Social Welfare
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Grundläggande ortopedisk medicin : Axel, nacke, thorax
4., omarb. uppl. : Gävle : Shoedoc, 2009 - 328 s.
ISBN: 978-91-633-4462-6 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID: 11599530
Grundläggande ortopedisk medicin. : Armbåge, underarm, hand / Bernt Ersson
3. uppl. : Gävle : Shoedoc, 2011 - 136 s.
ISBN: 978-91-633-8415-8 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID: 12202679
Grundläggande ortopedisk medicin. : Ländrygg, bäcken, höft
Sollentuna : Orion-Farmos läkemedel, 1992 - 186 s.
ISBN: 91-970727-7-X (inb.) LIBRIS-ID: 8224399
Grundläggande ortopedisk medicin. : Knä, underben, fot
Sollentuna : Orion-Farmos läkemedel, 1995 - 144 s.
ISBN: 91-972271-3-7 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID: 8224402
Joint structure and function : a comprehensive analysis
5th ed. : Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co., c2011. - xxii, 588 p.
ISBN: 978-0-8036-2362-0 LIBRIS-ID: 12159357
Reference literature
The back pain revolution
2. ed. : Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 2004 - xiii, 475 s.
ISBN: 0-443-07227-2 : £47.99 LIBRIS-ID: 9149162
Manual mobilization of the extremity joints : basic examination and treatment techniques
4. ed. : Oslo : 1989 - 195 s.
ISBN: 82-7054-043-9 LIBRIS-ID: 7484989
Manual mobilization of the joints : the Kaltenborn method of joint examination and treatment. Vol. 2 The spine
4. ed. : Oslo : Olof Norlis bokhandel, 2003 - 336 s.
ISBN: 82-7054-069-2 LIBRIS-ID: 9405359
Neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment : a handbook for therapists
4th ed. : Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2011. - xvii, 447 p.
ISBN: 0-7020-2990-4 LIBRIS-ID: 12163661
Rörelseorganens funktionsstörningar : klinik och sjukgymnastik
3., [omarb. och utök.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2007 - 424 s.
ISBN: 978-91-44-03954-1 LIBRIS-ID: 10275620
Ländryggssmärta och bålkontroll : från teori till praktik
1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014 - 195 s.
ISBN: 9789144083827 LIBRIS-ID: 14755817
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