Course syllabus - Scientific Methods I
7.5 credits
Course code
Valid from
Spring semester 2015
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1N (Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
Work Life Studies, Science of Public Health, Social Work, Physiotherapy, Caring Science with Specialization in Nursing
School of Health, Care and Social Welfare
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
The objective of the course is for students to attain enhanced method knowledge and develop their critical approach to scientific work.
Learning outcomes
After having completed the course, students are expected to be able to:
1 critically assess and reflect upon different theory of science perspectives
2 identify and apply relevant quality criteria based on different scientific methods/approaches
3 describe and discuss principles for an evidence-based approach
4 identify and argue for ethical aspects of research methodology
5 perform, examine, evaluate and interpret statistical methods
6 show that they can formulate a research question and motivate a choice of method for answering it
7 describe similarities and differences between different qualitative method approaches
8 perform, examine and evaluate qualitative analyses
Course content
Theory of science perspectives
The research process
Quality criteria
Research ethics
Critical examination
Evidence-based approaches
The application of scientific methods
Teaching on the course consists of lectures, seminars and/or exercises. The teaching methods aim for students to practice independent and active knowledge creation, cooperation, discussion, argumentation and critical reflection. A web-based learning platform is used in the course for the presentation of course materials, communication and discussion.
Specific requirements
A degree at the Bachelor’s level in one of the following subject areas: Public Health Science, Nursing with a specialisation in Care, Caring Sciences, Medical Science, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, or the equivalent. In addition, Swedish B/Swedish 2 and English A/English 5 are required. In cases when the course is offered in English, the requirement for Swedish B/Swedish 2 is excluded.
Assignment (INL1) 2.5 credit points. Theory of science, Learning objectives 1-4. Marks Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
Assignment (INL2) 2.5 credit points. Qualitative method, Learning objectives 7-8. Marks Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
Examination (TEN1) 2.5 credit points. Quantitative method, Learning objectives 5-6. Marks Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
For the grade Pass with distinction (VG) on the course as a whole, the student must receive a Pass with distinction (VG) for two out of three examination components. For more information, see the Study Guide.
A student who has a certificate from MDU regarding a disability has the opportunity to submit a request for supportive measures during written examinations or other forms of examination, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Examinations at First-cycle and Second-cycle Level at Mälardalen University (2020/1655). It is the examiner who takes decisions on any supportive measures, based on what kind of certificate is issued, and in that case which measures are to be applied.
Suspicions of attempting to deceive in examinations (cheating) are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, and are examined by the University’s Disciplinary Board. If the Disciplinary Board considers the student to be guilty of a disciplinary offence, the Board will take a decision on disciplinary action, which will be a warning or suspension.
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Interim Regulations and Other Regulations
INL2 overlaps SOA207, 2.5 credit points.
TEN1 overlaps PSA200, 2.5 credit points.