Course syllabus - Java in Analytical Finance
15 credits
Course code
Valid from
Autumn semester 2013
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1N (Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
School of Education, Culture and Communication
This syllabus is not current and will not be given any more
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Web Addresses
Reference Literature
Options, futures and other derivatives
7. ed. : Harlow : Pearson Prentic Hall, 2008 - 822 s.
ISBN: 978-0-13-500994-9 (pbk.) LIBRIS-ID: 10936621
Java Methods for Financial Engineering [electronic resource] : Applications in Finance and Investment
London : Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2007.
ISBN: 9781846287411 LIBRIS-ID: 11427981
Java technology is both a programming language and a platform. The aim of the course is teaching students the Java programming language and how to write Java programs using the Java Virtual Machine and the Java Application Programming Interface (API), thus making the students able to apply Java programming in solving problems from Financial Engineering.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to
- understand classes, objects, interfaces, packages, exceptions, collections, and use them while creating own Java programs.
- create Java applets with the SWING Graphical User interface.
- package applets using JAR and prepare them to run in a browser.
- create Java programs that implement advanced models of financial instruments using multinomial trees, numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations, and finite difference methods.
Course content
Introduction to Java technology. Installing Java development software and using it to create simple programs. The essential concepts and features of Java: object-oriented programming, language basics, classes and objects, interfaces and inheritance, numbers and strings, generics, packages. Essential Java classes: exceptions, basic input/output, concurrency, regular expressions, the platform environment. The Java collections framework. An introduction to SWING. Packaging and deployment Java programs. Creating class libraries in binomial trees, Monte Carlo simulation, finite difference methods and analytic approximation. Advanced models of financial insruments and their implementation in Java.
Lectures, folder sessions and seminars.
Specific requirements
Introduction to Financial Mathematics 7,5 credits or equivalent. In addition Swedish course B/Swedish course 3 and English course A/English course 6 are required. For courses given entirely in English exemption is made from the requirement in Swedish course B/Swedish course 3.
Projects (PRO1), 9 credits, marks Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG)
Seminars (SEM1), 6 credits, marks Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG)
A student who has a certificate from MDU regarding a disability has the opportunity to submit a request for supportive measures during written examinations or other forms of examination, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Examinations at First-cycle and Second-cycle Level at Mälardalen University (2020/1655). It is the examiner who takes decisions on any supportive measures, based on what kind of certificate is issued, and in that case which measures are to be applied.
Suspicions of attempting to deceive in examinations (cheating) are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, and are examined by the University’s Disciplinary Board. If the Disciplinary Board considers the student to be guilty of a disciplinary offence, the Board will take a decision on disciplinary action, which will be a warning or suspension.
Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail