
Education in collaboration

MDU offers a wide range of courses for professionals in both business and the public sector.

The courses are developed in collaboration with a large number of companies and/or public organizations based on concrete competence challenges and real needs.

The content in the courses is based on scientific basis and proven experience from both business and the public sector.

Credit bearing courses

We offer a wide range of flexible credit courses for professionals who want to develop their skills. The courses are given online and have very few timetabled meetings. Most courses are taught at a 25% pace and you can combine all of them with work.

Credit bearing courses

Open courses/MOOCs

MOOCs, which stand for Massive Open Online Courses, are courses that are open to everyone, regardless of background or profession. They require no prior knowledge and you can start and complete them whenever you want. The courses are delivered online and are completely free of charge.

Open courses/MOOCs

Training in engineering and technology

From the start, we have cooperated with industry in research as well as on our courses and study programmes. Together we have developed short freestanding courses specially designed to cater for the needs of industry and to allow professionals to get access to skills enhancement.

Our courses and programmes in engineering and technology are also an important recruitment base for industry. Many industrial companies offer our students the opportunity to conduct degree projects based on the industry’s needs. There are also several examples of research cooperations that include graduate schools and externally employed doctoral students.

Many courses are developed through funding from the Knowledge Foundation (KK-Stiftelsen) and Vinnova.

Contract education

Many of our courses for professionals in the engineering area can also be offered as contract education. Contract education involves courses where an organisation or employer, i.e. a legal entity, pays a course fee. The client appoints participants for contract education, and there are no demands on formal entry requirements. In certain cases, you can earn higher education credits for contract education.

In addition to places on existing course sessions, there is a possibility to buy adapted course sessions concerning the starting times and rate of study for example. Also, full or partly adapted courses for clients may be offered.

To find out more about our contract education in the technology and engineering area please email: lifelonglearning@mdu.se

Ongoing projects


REEDEAM is a project where Luleå University of Technology, Mälardalen University and Örebro University, coproduce courses and study programmes together with industry on the climate transition in the private sector. The project aims to strengthen collaboration between universities and industry by improving access to customised skills enhancement. REEDEAM also aims to establish a long-term collaboration between the higher education institutions based on the various universities’ scientific areas of specialisation. A planned graduate school will give the industry greater access to doctoral students’ expertise and further strengthen the universities' collaboration with neighbouring industries and society. We have integrated lessons learned and experiences from the Knowledge Foundation’s (KK-stiftelsen) expertise programme to guarantee efficiency and quality by creating a coherent skills offering.

Some of the participating industrial companies are ABB, Alstom, Hitachi, Northvolt, Scania and Volvo CE.

Here you can find more information about the project and the courses that are offered External link.

Would you like to know more or be part of the project? Please email: lifelonglearning@mdu.se

The project will run during 2023–2028 and is financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).


In the DICREASE project, online courses were developed on the theme of Smart development and production. The courses were developed together with national and international companies where the companies contributed with expertise and experiences. The cooperation ensured that the course content was relevant to both professionals and students entering the labour market.

Courses that were developed during the project

The project ran from 2022–2023 and was financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).


In the FutureE project, online courses were developed in two of MDU’s most solid research areas - Trusted Smart Systems and Future Energy.

The courses were developed together with national and international companies where the companies contributed with their expertise and experiences. The cooperation ensured that the course content was relevant to both professionals and students entering the labour market.

Courses in Trusted Smart Systems

Courses in Future Energy

The project ran from 2018–2022 and was financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).


In the KIT project (Skills needs and courses for professionals in IT and competitiveness production) MDH together with Linnaeus University, University West and Örebro University developed cutting-edge courses in AI and Smart production for professionals in order to help develop digitisation in industry.

The project also developed a marketing platform for university courses for professionals External link., where hundreds of courses from about twenty Swedish universities were presented.

MDU’s AI courses for professionals

MDU’s courses for professionals in Smart production

The project ran from 2019–2022 and was financed by Vinnova.

Level Up

In the Level Up project, industrial companies affected by the Coronavirus pandemic were offered skills training in smart production to enable their employees to be better prepared after the pandemic. Ten participants from six companies took part and, in cooperation with MDU, received individual study plans based on their company's needs and their own skills. Studies were conducted at 30 % during two semesters in 2021.

The project ran between 2020–2022 and was financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).


In the Premium project (Professional Education for Manufacturing Innovation), MDU developed a total of 21 courses together with Jönköping University (JTH) and more than 20 partner companies. All the courses aimed to provide industry with the conditions and knowledge to drive sustainable and smart production in Sweden. Being able to adapt operations to new demands, having shorter lead times and that new products reach the market quickly is crucial today, and to be able to manage this, entirely new skills are required, and companies must work strategically with their skills supply.

MDU’s courses that were developed in the Premium project

The project ran from 2019–2023 and was financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).


In the Prompt project, MDU developed online courses for engineers and software developers in the following areas: Applied AI, Software Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering.

The courses were at the Master’s level and were aimed at people with an academic background. All the courses were held online without physical meetings and were flexible in their times and locations so that it was possible to combine them with working life. All the courses were given in English.

The Prompt project was a cooperation between Blekinge Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg and the Research Institute RISE.

Courses that were developed in the PROMPT project

The project ran between 2011–2021 and was financed by the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen).

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