Tillväxtmotorn (The growth engine) is MDU's well-proven leadership and business development programme for small and medium-sized companies that wish to grow.
Are you curious about how expertise from MDU can contribute to your personal development and how you can energise your role in the company?
We are looking for people who are interested in leadership and business development.
Develop your leadership skills with Tillväxtmotorn
Tillväxtmotorn is a leadership and business development programme suitable if you hold a leadership role in a company in the Eskilstuna municipality, and if you have an interest in growth, leadership, and business development.
Research linked to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
What is unique about Tillväxtmotorn is the link to MDU's research, for example innovation, sustainability and internationalisation.
Connect with students
Tillväxtmotorn facilitates cooperation between students and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, for example internships and thesis projects.
About Tillväxtmotorn
Funding bodies
Tillväxtmotorn is part of a strategic partnership agreement with Eskilstuna Municipality which is also the main funding body with support from Sparbanksstiftelsen Rekarne (savings bank foundation). The programme is run by MDU and the purpose is to increase collaboration between the private sector and academia and foster growth in the municipality.
Advisory Board
Tillväxtmotorn’s Advisory Board is an advisory group for the organisation.
Tillväxtmotorn’s Advisory Board
The Advisory Board will provide input to bolster and develop the organisation. This takes place by sharing information and informing people about the programme at companies and also the members of the strategic partnership. The Board will also help with recruiting participants to the programme and it actively works with promoting Tillväxtmotorn’s brand name.
Tillväxtmotorn’s Advisory Board
Alexandra Elfridsson – Process Manager Tillväxtmotorn, MDU
Andreas Frisk – CEO, Secor Säkerhetsdörrar and Chair of the Advisory Board
Anna Berg – Business Development Manager, Idélab, MDU
Britta Nordin-Forsberg – Senior Lecturer, MDU
Cecilia Erixon – Senior Lecturer MDU, Project member and responsible for research in Tillväxtmotorn
Cilla Krantz – Senior Consultant, Agro Sörmland
Fredrik Jeanson – Lecturer, MDU, responsible for the first-cycle (Bachelor) education in Tillväxtmotorn
Goran Raundusi – CEO Rojan Food, Chair of Företagarna Eskilstuna-Torshälla
Hans Kindahl – Marketing Coordinator, Sparbanken Rekarne
Jens Carlberg – Head of Unit Business Development, Private sector, Eskilstuna Municipality
Johan Kostela – Process Manager, MITC
Mona Tjärnberg – Lecturer in Innovation Technology, MDU
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