
Taking innovation to a new level

The healthcare sector needs new innovations and ways of working to meet the challenges of the future. This project aims to increase cooperation between the health and social care sector, academia and the business community and to capitalise on the collective innovation capacity and expertise in the field. In this way, we can develop the products and services of the future.

Människor som samarbetar kring en uppgift.

There are many suggestions and ideas from employees, researchers, citizens and businesses for improvements in healthcare. The problem today is that there is no effective collaboration between different expert competences and there are no common ways of working to manage the innovations that could benefit healthcare.

How we enable innovation

New ways of making innovations available in healthcare are needed, collaboration is one part. The Centre for Welfare Change will work with Region Västmanland to design a new role as innovation coach, and to plan and implement innovation-enhancing activities aimed at high school and university students, among others. In working with innovation coaches, the Centre will provide support in the education and training of innovation coaches based on previous research in innovation management in the private and public sector.

By freeing up the time of health professionals as innovation coaches, the ambition is that the ability of staff to identify needs leading to time and resource saving measures will increase. By strengthening support structures and collaborations across organisational boundaries, it helps to increase skills and capacity for more effective interaction between the healthcare sector, academia and business.

With the annual innovation-enhancing activities, the objective is to create commitment and interest in Life Science Welfare and Health among young people and students who are the future employees and entrepreneurs in this sector.

Project INVH 2.0 (Innovationsnätverket Välfärd och Hälsa), Region Västmanland External link.
