
The University Library’s courses for doctoral students

Person in front of computer screen with notepad in foreground.

The main part of the courses takes place online, although there are some meetings on campus. Photo: Pexels.

During the autumn 2024, there is an opportunity to attend two courses. One about search strategies, reference management and bibliometrics, the other one is about publication strategies.

Academic writing I. Library research: Search strategies, reference management and bibliometrics 2.5 credits

The course aims to introduce advanced search strategies and practices, the use of reference management software, bibliometrics and other tools that can be used to gain an overview of a research discipline or field.

Couse start September 4.


Publication strategies and Open Access for doctoral students, 2 credits

For those who want to learn more about scholarly publication and publication ethics, Open Access, and strategic publishing.

Course start November 4.


Would you like to know more?

Read more about the courses, course syllabus, and lecture dates on the website: https://www.mdu.se/en/malardalen-university/education/doctoral-education/third-cycle-courses External link.


Do you have questions?

Contact the University Library by e-mail: biblioteket.forskarservice@mdu.se